All abstracts by Jacqueline R Hager at Goldschmidt2024
(2024) Subsurface Uranium and Technetium Reduction and Sequestration Through Liquid-Phase Chemical Reduction and Sequestration Amendments
Pochampally SV, Emerson H, Hager JR, Snyder MM, Lawter A, Szecsody JE & Mackley RD |
(2024) Role of Microbes in Glass Dissolution with Implications for Radioactive Waste Disposal
Hager JR, Plymale A, Pearce CI, Neeway J, Marcial J, Chrisler W, Qafoku O, Hu D, Young R, Hoyt D, Parker G, Zhu Z, Delapp R, Brown L, Kennedy A, Cheeke T, Allen J, Sjöblom R, Kosson DS & Kruger A |