All abstracts by Camille Thomas at Goldschmidt2023
(2023) Intense Arsenic Enrichment Linked to Microbial Detoxification Processes in a Mineralized Mat of the Dead Sea
Thomas C, Filella M, Ionescu D, Sorieul S, Oehlert AM, Pollier CGL, Zahajska P, Ferreira Sanchez D, Gedulter N, Agnon A & Ariztegui D |
(2023) Lessons Learnt (and yet to be Learnt) When Creating the Community-Driven Diamond Open Access Journal Sedimentologika
Thomas C, Zuchuat V, Vaucher R, Spychala Y, Saleh F, Privat A, Poyatos-Moré M, Marchegiano M, Kernen R, Kane I & Chiarella D |