All abstracts by Matthias Zabel at Goldschmidt2021
(2021) Sedimentation Processes of Hadal Environments: A Comparison between Kermadec and Atacama Trenches
Oguri K, Turnewitsch R, Rowden A, Zabel M, Masque P, Stewart HA, Wenzhöfer F & Glud RN |
(2021) Benthic Oxygen Consumption and Carbon Mineralization in Hadal Trenches
Glud RN, Thamdrup B, Berg P, Oguri K, Sanei H, Zabel M & Wenzhoefer F |
(2021) High Benthic Turnover Rates in Buried Sediments of Deep-Sea Trenches
Zabel M, Glud RN, Sanei H, Elvert M, Chuang P-C, Okuma E & Kölling M |