All abstracts by Silke Severmann at Goldschmidt2019
(2019) Bioavailable Fe Supply by Aeolian Dust to the North Atlantic
Lee B, Owens J, Raiswell R, Severmann S, Sadler P & Lyons T |
(2019) Chromium in the Black Sea
Severmann S, Bruggmann S, Goring-Harford H, James R & Slomp C |
(2019) Isotopically Light Cd in Sediments Underlying Oxygen Deficient Zones
Little SH, Chen L, Kreissig K, Severmann S & McManus J |
(2019) Redox Conditions in the Black Sea during Eemian and Holocene Sapropel Formation
Wegwerth A, Eckert S, Dellwig O, Schnetger B, Severmann S, Weyer S, Brüske A, Kaiser J, Köster J, Arz HW & Brumsack H-J |
(2019) The Output of Nickel from the Ocean to Reducing Sediments
Chatterjee A, Ciscato ER, Little SH, Severmann S, Mcmanus J & Vance D |