All abstracts by Barbara Sherwood Lollar at Goldschmidt2018
(2018) Methane Cycling in the Serpentinizing Shallow-Sea Vents of the Prony Hydrothermal Field, New Caledonia
Price R, Sutcliffe C, Sherwood-Lollar B, Erauso G, Quéméneur M, Postec A, Monnin C, Wehrmann L, Gillikin D, Menez B, Pelletier B, Payri C & Hoehler T |
(2018) Production of H2 on Mars Through Radiolysis and Implications for Habitability
Tarnas J, Mustard J, Sherwood Lollar B, Bramble M, Cannon K, Plesa A-C & Plumbo A |
(2018) Large Accumulations of He, Ar and H2 in Fracture Fluids in Precambrian Shield Rocks
Warr O, Giunta T, Ballentine C & Sherwood Lollar B |
(2018) Helium Distribution in the Williston and the Southwest Ontario Basins
Cheng A, Sherwood Lollar B, Giunta TM, Mundle SOC & Ballentine CJ |
(2018) Commercial Helium Gas Fields: Identifying the Source of the Helium
Ballentine C, Danabalan D, Warr O, Barry P, Gluyas J & Sherwood Lollar B |
(2018) Near Equilibrium, Non-Thermogenic, Methane in Sedimentary Systems: The Unrecognized Role of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane?
Giunta T, Young E, Martini A, Warr O, Kohl I, Ash J & Sherwood Lollar B |
(2018) Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Phosphates in Deep Fracture Fluids in Precambrian Rocks
Chang SJ, van Hees EH, Blake RE & Sherwood Lollar B |
(2018) In situ Biodegradation Rates in Contaminated Sediments via a Novel High Resolution Isotopic Approach
Gilevska T, Passeport E, Shayan M, Seger E, Lutz E, West K, Morgan S, Mack EE & Sherwood Lollar B |