All abstracts by Lukas P. Baumgartner at Goldschmidt2017
(2017) Importance of Relative Water Fugacity Estimates in Metagranites and White Schists from SIMS Measurements of Water in Phengite
Luisier C, Baumgartner LP, Bouvier A-S, Siron G, Vaughan-Hammon J & Schmalholz SM |
(2017) Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to Decipher Fluid-Rock Interaction
Baumgartner L, Bégué F, Siron G, Luisier C, Marger K & Bouvier A-S |
(2017) Chlorine Content in Biotite as Tracer of Fluid-Rock Interaction during Contact Metamorphism
Siron G, Bodner R, Baumgartner L, Bouvier A-S & Putlitz B |
(2017) Late-Stage Fluid Infiltration in the Zermatt-Saas Ophiolite Zone
Bloch E, Baumgartner L, Putlitz B & Bouvier A-S |
(2017) Fluid-Rock Interaction and Textural Changes due to Reaction Progress during Serpentinite Dehydration in the Bergell Contact Aureole (Italian Alps)
Lafay R, Baumgartner L & Putlitz B |