All abstracts by David Graham Pearson at Goldschmidt 2007
(2007) Quantification of Stable Strontium Isotope Variability in Nature by MC-ICP-MS
Nowell G, Charlier B, Pearson G & Burton K |
(2007) Archetypal Archean Lithosphere from West Greenland Implicates Shallow Melting at >3.0Ga
Wittig N, Webb M, Pearson G, Nowell G, Jensen S & Sand K |
(2007) No Evidence of Diffusive Homogenisation of Carbon Isotopes in Yakutian Diamonds
Wiggers de Vries D, Davies G, Bulanova G & Pearson G |
(2007) The Origin of Silica-Rich Kaapvaal Lithospheric Mantle
Davies G, Wasch L, van der Zwan F, Morel M, Nebel O, van Westrenen W, Pearson G & Hellebrand E |
(2007) Re-Os Evidence for Ancient Mantle beneath the Ontong Java Plateau
Ishikawa A, Pearson G & Dale C |
(2007) The Hidden History of Mantle Depletion: Os Isotopes Reveal a Link between Mantle Depletion and Crustal Growth
Parman S, Pearson G & Nowell G |
(2007) Sr Isotopic Compositions of Ultra-Deep Inclusions in Diamonds: Implications for Mantle Chemical Structure and Evolution
Pearson DG, Harlou R, Hayman P, Cartigny P & Kopylova M |
(2007) Sr Isotopes and Trace Element Patterns in Sub-Calcic Garnets: A Perspective on Diamond-Bearing Fluids?
Klein-BenDavid O & Pearson DG |
(2007) Os Isotope and PGE Evidence for Major Disruption and Addition to the Lithospheric Mantle: A Study of Peridotites from the Premier Mine, Kaapvaal Craton, SA
Morel M, Pearson D, Luguet A & Davies G |
(2007) Hf, Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopes in Primitive Tongan Lavas: Constraining Mobility in Slab Fluids
Dale C, Macpherson C, Pearson G, Nowell G, Hammond S & Arculus R |