All abstracts by David Graham Pearson at Goldschmidt 2005
(2005) Dating Mantle Samples: Examples from the Re-Os System in Eclogites and Diamonds
Shirey S, Schmitz M, Westerlund K, Richardson S, Wiechert U, Pearson G, Carlson R & Harris J |
(2005) A Comparison of Mineral and Whole Rock Approaches to Re-Os Dating of the Kaapvaal Lithospheric Mantle
Garden B, Carlson R, Pearson G, Shirey S & Richardson S |
(2005) Archean Mantle beneath the Halls Creek Mobile Zone, W. Australia Revealed by Re-Os Isotopes
Luguet A, Pearson DG, Jaques AL, Bulanova GP, Smith CB, Roffey S & Rayner MJ |
(2005) Dating Mantle Melting Using the Lu-Hf Isotope System
Pearson DG, Nowell G & Ottley C |
(2005) Sr-Nd-Hf Isotope Constraints on Lithospheric Mantle Evolution beneath Olot, NE Spain
Bianchini G, Beccaluva L, Bonadiman C, Nowell G, Pearson G, Siena F & Wilson M |
(2005) Sr Isotope Studies of Melt Inclusions by TIMS
Harlou R, Pearson D, Nowell G, Davidson JP & Kent AJR |
(2005) Evaluating the Relative Roles of Hydrothermal Alteration and Crustal Contamination at a Single Crystal Scale: Sr Isotope Micro-Sampling Study of Eruptive and Intrusive Magmatic Rocks from Skye
Font L, Pearson G, Davidson J, Macpherson C, Nowell G & Thompson B |
(2005) Re-Os and PGE Study of Philippine Sea Plate Ocean Island Basalts: Constraining Mantle Sources
Luguet A, Macpherson CG, Pearson DG & Hickey-Vargas R |
(2005) The Metasomatic History of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath NE Spain
Beccaluva L, Bianchini G, Bonadiman C, Nowell G, Pearson G, Siena F & Wilson M |