All abstracts by Michael Ernst Böttcher at Goldschmidt2011
(2011) Carbon Isotopes in DIC Trace Benthic and Pelagic Processes in Tidal Areas of the North Sea
Winde V, Escher P, Kowalski N, Dellwig O, Schneider B, Schultz M, Böning P, van Beusekom JEE, Liebezeit G & Böttcher ME |
(2011) Impact of Authigenic Particles on Phosphate and Trace Metal Budgets of Anoxic Basins
Dellwig O, Leipe T, März C, Glockzin M, Häusler K, Moros M, Pollehne F, Schnetger B, Böttcher M & Brumsack H-J |
(2011) Geochemical Evidence of Mud Volcano Activity in the West Alboran Sea
Lopez-Rodriguez C, Martinez-Ruiz F, Comas M, Hensen C, Piñero E, Böttcher M, Dellwig O & Lenz C |
(2011) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Pelagic Euxinia: Evidence from the Modern Black and Baltic Seas
Nägler TF, Neubert N, Böttcher ME, Dellwig O & Schnetger B |