All abstracts by Ariel D. Anbar at Goldschmidt 2007
(2007) Mo Isotope Variations in Meromictic Lake Cadagno
Dahl TW, Anbar AD, Gordon GW, Frei R & Canfield DE |
(2007) Decoupling Photochemical Fe(II) Oxidation from Shallow-Water BIF Deposition
Konhauser K, Lalonde S, Amskold L, Posth N, Kappler A & Anbar A |
(2007) A Whiff of Oxygen Before the Great Oxidation Event?
Anbar A, Duan Y, Lyons T, Arnold G, Kendall B, Creaser R, Kaufman AJ, Gordon G, Garvin J & Buick R |
(2007) The Role of Organic Ligands in Fe Isotope Fractionation during Dissolution of Hornblende
Wasylenki L, Anbar A & Brantley S |
(2007) Uranium "Stable" Isotope Fractionation in Nature: A Potential Paleo Redox- and Bio- Tracer?
Weyer S, Anbar A, Gerdes A, Arnold G, Gorden G, McManus J & Boyle E |
(2007) Late Archean Biospheric Oxygenation and Atmospheric Evolution
Kaufman A, Johnston D, Farquhar J, Masterson A, Lyons T, Bates S, Anbar A, Arnold G, Garvin J & Buick R |