All abstracts by Gordon Southam at Goldschmidt2016
(2016) Hydrotalcites as a Carbon Sink in Serpentinites
Turvey C, Wilson S, Hamilton J, McCutcheon J, Beinlich A, Dipple G & Southam G |
(2016) Microbial Beachrock Formation: Implications for Island Stability in the Great Barrier Reef
McCutcheon J, Nothdurft L, Webb G, Shuster J, Nothdurft L, Paterson D & Southam G |
(2016) Bacterial Colonisation of Copper Sulphides
Bostelmann H & Southam G |
(2016) Trace Metal Distribution in Iron Manganese Oxyhydroxide Crusts from a Tasmantid Seamount
Gagen E, Monteiro H, Nothdurft L, Rintoul L, Paterson D, Vasconcelos P & Southam G |
(2016) Biogeochemical Cycling of Copper during Supergene Weathering
Henne A, Schuster J & Southam G |
(2016) Evidence of Biogeochemical Processes in Iron Duricrust Formation
Levett A, Gagen E, Shuster J & Southam G |
(2016) Iron Biogeochemical Cycling in Ferruginous Duricrust (Canga)
Paz A, Gagen E & Southam G |
(2016) Biogeochemical Formation of Secondary Gold Particles: Implications for Gold Dispersion
Shuster J, Ateh KI, Márquez-Zavalía MF, Suh CE, Reith F & Southam G |
(2016) Effect of Bituminous Coal on Methanogenesis
Raudsepp M, Gagen E, Tyson G, Golding S & Southam G |
(2016) The Importance of Iron Duricrust Formation to Brazilian Iron Ore Production
Southam G, Gagen E, Levett A, Monteiro H, Paz A & Vasconcelos P |
(2016) Accelerating Carbon Mineralisation of Mine Tailings at Woodsreef Mine, New South Wales, Australia
Hamilton J, Wilson S, Morgan B, Turvey C, McCutcheon J, Tait A, Paterson D & Southam G |