All abstracts by Konstantin Litasov at Goldschmidt2016
(2016) Low Water Content in Eclogite Xenoliths from Kimberlite Pipe Udachnaya, Yakutia
Kolesnichenko M, Zedgenizov D, Ragozin A & Litasov K |
(2016) C-O-H Fluid Inclusions in Garnet from Kimberlite Pipe “Mir”
Chanyshev A, Litasov K, Kupriyanov I, Garanin V & Bovkun A |
(2016) Genesis of Djerfisherite in Kimberlite-Hosted Mantle Xenoliths
Sharygin I, Litasov K, Sharygin V, Shatskiy A & Ohtani E |
(2016) P‒V‒T EoS of Cr2O3 (Eskolaite): Implication for Phase Boundary Calculation in Knorringite System
Dymshits A, Sharygin I, Litasov K, Shatskiy A & Rashchenko S |
(2016) Towards Integrated Models of the Earth’s Core and Bulk Volatile Budget
Litasov K & Shatskiy A |