All abstracts by Salih Burak Karabel at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) Geochemical and Petrographical Investigation of Chromite Occurrences in Burdur-Salda, Turkey
Kiran Yildirim D, Uzasci Sultanyan S, Karabel SB, Kan Bostanci A & Kumral M |
(2013) The Platinum Group and Precious Metals Contents of Mugla-Ortaca (Turkey) Area Chromites
Karabel B, Gumus L, Kiran Yildirim D, Uzasci Sultanyan S, Budakoglu M & Kumral M |
(2013) Production of the Sodium Sulphate from Acıgöl by Solution Mining Method, Denizli, Turkey
Uzasci Sultanyan S, Karabel SB, Kiran Yildirim D, Budakoglu M, Kumral M & Karaman M |