All abstracts by Andreas Kappler at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) The Quantitative Contribution of Oxygenic Photosynthesis to Fe(II) Oxidation in Precambrian Oceans
Swanner E, Wu W, Voelker B, Schoenberg R & Kappler A |
(2013) Abiotic Reactions of Nitrite during Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation and their Influence on Cell-Encrustation of Nitrate-Reducers
Klueglein N, Zeitvogel F, Obst M & Kappler A |
(2013) Microbial Redox Cycling of Surface Fe Ions in Magnetite Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Klüglein N & Kappler A |
(2013) Cd Mobility in Anoxic Fe-Mineral-Rich Environments – Potential Use of Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria for Soil Remediation
Muehe EM, Adaktylou IJ, Obst M, Schröder C, Behrens S, Hitchcock AP, Tyliszczak T, Krämer U & Kappler A |
(2013) Quantification of Organic Matter Redox States by Mediated Electrochemical Analysis
Sander M, Klüpfel L, Piepenbrock A, Kappler A & Aeschbacher M |
(2013) Physiology, Mineralogy and Fe Isotope Fractionation of Fe(II) Oxidation by a Marine Photoferrotroph – Implications for the Deposition of Precambrian BIFs
Wu W, Swanner E, Pan Y, Schoenberg R & Kappler A |
(2013) Evaluating the Fossilization Potential of Fe(II)-Oxidizing Bacteria
Picard A, Obst M & Kappler A |
(2013) Simulating Precambrian Banded Iron Formation Diagenesis
Kappler A, Posth NR, Koehler I, Swanner E, Schroeder C, Wellmann E, Binder B, Konhauser KO, Neumann U, Berthold C, Nowak M & Papineau D |