All abstracts by Axel Müller in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) New Developments in Laser Ablation Lu-Hf GeochronologyGlorie S, Simpson A, Gilbert S, Hand M, Mulder J & Müller A
(2021) Geochemistry of Quartz in the Tysfjord Granitic Pegmatites, Northern Norway
Zhou H & Müller A
(2017) Low Temperature Alteration of Monazite Phenocrysts in Pegmatite: A General Feature
Bingen B, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Corfu F, Whitehouse MJ, Bosse V, Müller A & Guillaume D
(2015) UV-fs-LA-ICP-MS Analyses of Fluid Inclusions: Insights into the Formation of Tin Ore Deposits
Albrecht M, Derrey IT, Horn I, Müller A, Holtz F & Weyer S
(2013) Saprolites on- and Offshore Norway: New Constraints on Formation Processes and Age
Fredin O, Zwingmann H, Knies J, Sørlie R, Grandal EM, Lie J-E, Müller A & Vogt C