All abstracts by Delphine Guerbois in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Hydroxy-Nitrite Green Rust: A New Type of Green Rust Formed as an Intermediate Reaction ProductOna-Nguema G, Guerbois D, Abdelmoula M & Morin G
(2013) Effect of Hydroxycarbonate Green-Rust Particle Size on Ferrous Denitrification
Ona-Nguema G, Guerbois D, Maffioli P, Noel V, Brest J & Morin G
(2013) Ferrous Denitrification by Biogenic Hydroxycarbonate Green-Rust
Guerbois D, Ona-nguema G, Morin G, Laverman A, Abdelmoula M, Mouchel J-M, Barthelemy K & Brest J