All abstracts by Nadine Piatak in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Speciation and Mineral Hosts of Germanium in Mine Wastes: Implications for RecoveryWhite SJ, Piatak N, McAleer R, Hayes S, Seal R, Schaider L & Shine J
(2019) Germanium Enrichment and Mineralogical Hosts in Ore and Mine Waste; Primary and Potential Secondary Sources
Piatak N, White SJ, Seal R, McAleer R, Hayes S & Hammarstrom J
(2018) The Biogeochemistry of Indium, Gallium, and Germanium in Mine Wastes
White SJ, Schaider L, Shine J, Piatak N, McAleer R & Seal R
(2016) Trace Metal Hosts in Stream Sediments Impacted by Mine Waste
Kimball B, Jamieson H, Seal R, Dobosz A & Piatak N
(2012) Copper Speciation in Variably Toxic Sediments: Ely Copper Mine Superfund Site, Vermont
Kimball B, Foster A, Seal Ii R, Piatak N & Hammarstrom J
(2005) Mineralogical Controls on Acid-Mine Drainage from Waste Piles in the Vermont Copper Belt
Hammarstrom J, Piatak N & Seal R