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All abstracts by Adrian Brearley in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Investigating the Effects of Hydrothermal Alteration on Chondrite Matrices Through the Synthesis of Low-Temperature Olivine Using Magnesium-Bearing Amorphous Silicates
Maxwell JL, Dobrică E, Nuth JA & Brearley A

(2022) Thermal History of Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates from the Kainsaz CO3.2 Chondrite
Han J, Park C & Brearley A

(2020) Fluid-Assisted Hydration Processes on Chondrite Parent-Bodies: Low-Temperature Experimental Alteration
Dobrica E, Nuth J & Brearley A

(2014) In situ Study of Chondritic Organics: The Role of Aqueous Alteration
Le Guillou C, Changela H, Bernard S, Remusat L & Brearley A

(2011) Silicon and Oxygen Isotopes: The Maturation of Lacustrine Diatoms
Ziegler K, Dodd J, Sharp Z, Brearley A & Young E

(2011) Aqueous Alteration of Organic Matter and Amorphous Silicate in Pristine Chondrites: A Multiscale Study
Le Guillou C, Brearley A, Remusat L & Bernard S

(2008) Unraveling the Effects of Aqueous Alteration on Primary Nebular Materials: Electron Microbeam Study of Matrices of CR Chondrites
Abreu N & Brearley A

(2008) Experimental Analysis of Arsenic Mobility in Iron and Sulfate Reducing Environments
Kirk M, Roden E, Crossey L & Brearley A

(2007) Reduction of FeO-Rich Chondrules in Kakangari and Enstatite Chondrites
Berlin J, Jones R & Brearley A

(2005) The Role of Water in Early Solar System Evolution: Insights from Primitive Chondritic Meteorites
Brearley A

(2005) D<+>37<$>Cl Values of the Solar System
Barnes J, Brearley A, Sharp Z & Chaussidon M

(2001) Geochemical Signatures of Rapid Melt Extraction
Rushmer T, Antignano Iv A & Brearley A

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