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All abstracts by Uwe Brand in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The End of the Marinoan Glaciation: An Enigma Shrouded in Ice, Methane and Carbon Dioxide
Brand U, Blamey N, Jiang G, Riechelmann S & Morrison AK

(2024) A Robust Protocol for Evaluating Ancient Carbonates and Halites
Morrison AK, Lefebvre A, Enno T, Blamey N, Riechelmann S, Haines P, Lecuyer C & Brand U

(2024) Characterizing the Neoproterozoic Environmental Conditions Using Halite from the Lancer 1 Drill Core, Western Australia
Lefebvre A, Morrison AK, Enno T, Blamey N & Brand U

(2024) A Multidisciplinary Approach to Quantifying Atmospheric Oxygen and Environmental Conditions in Geologic Time Using Evaporites
Blamey N, Brand U, Lefebvre A, Morrison AK, Lecuyer C, Riechelmann S & Heizler M

(2023) The End Ordovician Icehouse and the First Mass Extinction of the Phanerozoic: Its History Recorded in Multiple Archives
Morrison AK, Lefebvre A, Van Patter A, Davis A, Riechelmann S, Blamey N, Jin J & Brand U

(2022) Dual Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Biogenic Carbonates: Identifying and Correcting for Non-Equilibrium Isotope Effects
Davies AJ, Guo W, Brand U, Tagliavento M, Bajnai D, Gischler E, Raddatz J, Bernecker M, Schlidt V & Fiebig J

(2022) Rapid Devonian Terrestrialisation by Land Plants Changed the Continental Weathering Regime
Liu X, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Wilson DJ, Alycia S, Joachimski MM, Chen B, Qie W & Brand U

(2021) Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction – A Carbon-Driven Climatic and Biogeochemical Collapse
Jurikova H, Gutjahr M, Wallmann K, Flögel S, Liebetrau V, Posenato R, Angiolini L, Garbelli C, Brand U, Wiedenbeck M & Eisenhauer A

(2021) Identifying Diagenesis in Phanerozoic Carbonates Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes
Wostbrock J, Sharp Z & Brand U

(2019) Atmospheric Oxygen of the Paleozoic
Brand U, Davis A, Shaver K & Blamey N

(2019) Measurements of Oxygen Flanking the GOE
Blamey N, Brand U, Lecuyer C, Parnell J, Heizler M, Lepland A, Nic B & Betus S

(2018) Development of a Halite Screening Protocol for Ancient Atmosphere
Blamey N, Brand U, Parnell J, Lecuyer C, Heizler M, Fralick P, Davis A & Shaver K

(2018) Triple Oxygen Isotope Fractionation of Calcite
Wostbrock J, Sharp Z, Brand U, Atudorei V & Coplen T

(2018) Rapid Microbial-Methane Deglaciation of the Marinoan Snowball Earth
Brand U, Blamey N, Shaver K, Guo W, Jiang G, Parnell J & Buhl D

(2017) New Method for D/H Measurements from Halite Fluid Inclusions. Clues to Ancient Hydrosphere?
Fourel F, Lecuyer C, Blamey N, Brand U & Fralick P

(2017) Assessing Kinetic Fractionation in Brachiopod Calcite Using Clumped Isotopes
Bajnai D, Fiebig J, Raddatz J, Tomašových A & Brand U

(2017) Decoupled δ11B and δ13C during the Late Permian: Implications for Carbon Cycle Perturbations during the Mass Extinction Event
Jurikova H, Gutjahr M, Wallmann K, Liebetrau V, Flögel S, Brand U, Posenato R, Garbelli C, Angiolini L & Eisenhauer A

(2017) δ26Mg Record of Phanerozoic Oceans
Törber P, Farkas J, Rollion-Bard C, Wallmann K, Brand U, Azmy K, Tomasovych A, Lecuyer C, Vigier N, Saulnier S, Komarek M, Magna T, Simecek M, Francova M, Böhm F & Eisenhauer A

(2017) Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Carbonates: Calibration of the θ-T Relationship
Gibbons J, Sharp Z, Atudorei V & Brand U

(2017) Insights into the Proterozoic Water Cycle: D/H Ratios of Water from Fluid Inclusions Trapped in Halite
Lécuyer C, Fourel F, Blamey N, Brand U & Fralick P

(2017) Oxygenation of the Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic Atmosphere and Ocean: Impact on Marine Life
Brand U, Blamey N, Meng F, Ni P, Parnell J, Lecuyer C, Benison K, Spear N & Fralick P

(2017) Atmospheric and Oceanic Oxygen at 1.4 Ga Measured in Halite
Blamey N, Brand U, Fralick P, Lecuyer C, Benison K & Parnell J

(2015) Microstructural Changes Reflect the Degree of Diagenetic Alteration in Biogenic Carbonates
Casella LA, Griesshaber E, Neuser RD, Stevens K, Ritter A-C, Mutterlose J, Brand U, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW

(2015) Neoproterozoic Atmospheric Oxygen and the Diversification of M-A Life
Brand U, Blamey N, Spear N, Parnell J & MacMahon S

(2015) Measuring Paleoatmospheric Terrestrial and Martian Gases
Blamey N, Brand U, Parnell J, Spear N & MacMahon S

(2015) REE Compositions of Modern Shelf and Deep-Water Articulated Brachiopods
Zaky A, Azmy K, Brand U & Logan A

(2014) Carbon Isotopes in Brachiopod Calcite: A Case of Equilibrium!
Brand U, Azmy K, Bitner MA, Logan A, Zuschin M, Ruggiero ET & Colin P

(2014) Measuring Atmospheric and Marine Hydrospheric Gases of Earth & The Martian Subsurface
Blamey N, Brand U & Azmy K

(2013) Magnesium Isotope Composition of Globally Distributed Modern Brachiopods: Implications for Paleo-Seawater δ26Mg Reconstructions
Farkas J, Brand U, Tomasovych A, Azmy K, Fietzke J & Eisenhauer A

(2012) Oxygen Isotopes & Mg Content in Brachiopod Calcite: Equilibrium Fractionation and a New Paleotemperature Equation
Brand U, Azmy K, Logan A & Bitner AM

(2012) Clumped Isotope Calibration Using Modern Brachiopods: Implications for Reconstructions of Temperature and the Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Seawater
Came R, Beach A, Brand U & Affek H

(2010) Hydrothermal Diagenesis of Paleozoic Seamount Carbonates
Brand U, Azmy K, Tazawa J-I, Sano H & Buhl D

(2009) Is Paleozoic Ocean-Chemistry Coupled with Epeiric Seawater Isotope Records?
Brand U, Tazawa J-I, Sano H & Azmy K

(2009) Carbon-, Sulphur- and Strontium-Isotope Trends of High- and Low-Latitude Permian Brachiopods
Korte C, Brand U, Strauss H & Veizer J

(2005) Brachiopod Shell Biomineralization – Structural and Chemical Characteristics
Schmahl W, Griesshaber E, Neuser R, Pettke T & Brand U

(2005) Latitudinal Gradient in <$f"Symbol">d<$f"Times-Roman"><+>18<$>O of Permian Brachiopods
Korte C, Brand U, Dickins J, Mertmann D & Veizer J

(2005) Isotopes in Paleozoic Carbonate Components: An Evaluation of Proxies
Brand U

(2004) Morphology and Texture of the Fibrous Calcite in Terebratulide Brachiopode Shells
Schmahl W, Griesshaber E, Neuser R, Lenze A & Brand U

(2001) Seasonal Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Records of Cod Otoliths (Gadus Morhua): A Potential Thermometer and Migration Indicator in the Canadian Atlantic
Gao YW, Schwarcz HP & Brand U

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