All abstracts by Alexis Templeton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Determining Signals of Early Iron-Cycling Life Through Process-Based ExperimentsJohnson JE, Hinz I, Templeton A, Nims C & Zhou A
(2021) Carbonate Polymorphism Controlled by Iron Redox Dynamics at a Natural CO2 Leakage Site (Crystal Geyser, Utah)
Cosmidis J & Templeton A
(2020) Inorganic Carbon Limitation and Diversification of Hydrogenotrophic Methanogens in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Fones E, Colman D, Kraus E, Templeton A, Spear J & Boyd E
(2018) Evaluation of S0 as a Biosignature in Laboratory and Field Experiments
Kamermans B, Cosmidis J, Templeton A & Macalady J
(2018) Mineralogic Signatures of Low Temperature Alteration in Atlantis Massif Serpentinites?
Mayhew L, Ellison E & Templeton A
(2018) Microbial Sulfate Reduction Rates in Fluids from Low Temperature Serpentinizing Mantle Rocks
Glombitza C, Kubo M, Rempfert K, Templeton A & Hoehler T
(2018) S(0) Formation Mechanisms in the Proterozoic Ocean – Potential Signatures in the Rock Record
Cosmidis J, Nims C, Kamermans B, Macalady J & Templeton A
(2015) Theme 15: A Perspective on Key Processes and Mechanisms Revealed within Environmental (Bio)Geochemistry
Templeton A
(2015) High Local Iron Enrichments in Modern Microbialites from Mexico: Speciation and Origin
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Templeton A, Webb S & Gérard E
(2015) Sulfur Oxidation and Biomineralization Processes in Sulfidic Ice Ecosystems
Templeton A, Lau G, Cosmidis J, Trivedi C, Spear J & Grasby S
(2015) A Novel Elemental Sulfur Biomineralization Mechanism
Cosmidis J & Templeton A
(2015) Modern Peridotite Alteration in Oman Hyperalkaline Aquifers and Implications for Microbial Habitability
Miller H, Matter J, Kelemen P, Ellison E, Conrad M & Templeton A
(2014) Quantifying the Flux of Hydrogen from Serpentinzing Ultramafic Rocks
McCollom T, Klein F, Hoehler T & Templeton A
(2014) Isotopic Signatures of H2 and CH4 at the Cedars: Implications for Temperatures and Mechanisms of Serpentinization at the Site
Conrad M, Mayhew L, Christensen J, Bill M & Templeton A
(2013) Habitability and Hydrogen Generation in Perditotite Aquifers
Templeton A, Mayhew L, Miller H, Streit L & Kelemen P
(2013) Elemental Sulfur Biomineralization and Preservation in Glacial Sulfide Springs
Templeton A, Lau G, Wright K, Williamson C, Grasby S & Spear J
(2012) Serpentinization and the Flux of Reduced Volatiles to the Seafloor
McCollom T, Klein F, Bach W, Moskowitz B, Berquo T & Templeton A
(2012) Hydrogen Production from Low Temperature (55-100ºC) Water-Rock Reactions
Mayhew L, Ellison E, McCollom T & Templeton A
(2011) Olivine and Pyroxene Surface Reactivity during H2-generation
Templeton A, Mayhew L, Trainor T, Eng P & McCollom T
(2011) Serpentinization and Hydrogen Generation
McCollom T, Klein F, Bach W, Jons N & Templeton A
(2011) The Effect of M. Thermoflexus on the Fe-Bearing Mineral Assemblage Associated with Low Temperature Basalt-Water Reactions
Mayhew L, Webb S & Templeton A
(2011) A Microbially-Mediated Deep Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycle at Henderson Mine, CO
Swanner E & Templeton A
(2011) Geochemical Characterization of Biosignatures in Subseafloor Basalts
Knowles E, Staudigel H, McLoughlin N & Templeton A
(2010) Low Temperature S Biomineralization at a Supraglacial Spring System in the Canadian High Arctic
Gleeson D, Williamson C, Wright K, Pappalardo R, Grasby S & Templeton A
(2010) Ralstonia Species Mediate Fe-Oxidation in the Deep Biosphere of Henderson Mine
Swanner E, Nell R & Templeton A
(2010) Investigating Cell-Mineral Interactions and the Geochemistry of Methanogenic Activity in a Low-Temperature Serpentinizing System
Mayhew L, McCollom T & Templeton A
(2009) Microbial Fe Cycling at Basalt-Biofilm Interfaces on the Seafloor
Templeton A, Trainor T, Arey B, Dohnalkova A, Staudigel H & Tebo B
(2008) Microbially-Mediated Cycling of Metals in Deep Subsurface Fluids at Henderson Mine, Colorado
Swanner E & Templeton A
(2008) Inferring Mechanisms of Biocorrosion from Trace Fossil Morphology
Staudigel H, Furnes H, McLoughlin N, Banerjee N, Connell L & Templeton A
(2006) In-situ insights into microbially-mediated basalt weathering and metal biomineralization at active Seamounts
Templeton A, Trainor T, Eng P, Bailey B, Staudigel H & Tebo B
(2005) Fe(II) and Mn(II) Oxidation and Biomineralization within Basalt-Hosted Lithoautotrophic Biofilms
Templeton A, Tebo B, Staudigel H, Bailey B, Lisa H & Trainor T
(2005) Structure and Reactivity of Hydroxylated Hematite Surfaces: Application of Surface X-Ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S, Brown G, Catalano J, Waychunas G & Templeton A
(2005) Distribution and Speciation of Metals and Metalloids at Microbe/mineral Interfaces
Templeton A, Trainor T, Brown G & Tebo B
(2004) The Ocean Crust as a Bioreactor
Staudigel H, Bailey B, Furnes H, Tebo B & Templeton A
(2004) Fe(II) and Mn (II) Oxidizing Bacteria Associated with Weathered Oceanic Basalts
Templeton A, Staudigel H, Bailey B & Tebo B
(2004) FeMO: An Observatory for the Study of Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
Edwards K, Emerson D, Moyer C, Staudigel H, Tebo B, Bailey B, Rogers D & Templeton A
(2001) Biotransformation of Pb and Se within Aerobic B. Cepacia and S. oneidensis Biofilms
Templeton AS, Trainor TP, Traina SJ, Spormann AM & Brown Jr. GE
(2001) Structure and Reactivity of ?-Al2O3 (0001) and (1-102) Surfaces
Trainor TP, Eng PJ, Templeton AS & Brown Jr. GE
(2001) Application of Synchrotron Radiation Methods to Chemical Processes at Micro-Scale Interfaces
Brown Jr. GE, Kendelewicz T, Doyle CS, Templeton AS & Trainor TP
(2000) Pb Speciation at Sapphire and Hematite Surfaces Associated with Bacterial Biofilms
Templeton A, Trainor T, Traina S, Spormann A & Brown Jr. G