All abstracts by Lin Ma in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Evaluating the Ecosystem Resilience of Irrigated Drylands Using a Critical Zone Approach in Western TexasJin L, Andrews E, Garcia A, Quiroz M, Molina V, Ramirez-Valle O, Ochoa-Rivero JM, Sasser K, Sosa M, Orona V, Hartman J, Kaip G, Baker M, Doser D, Gutierrez HA, Engle M, Darrouzet-Nardi A & Ma L
(2024) Unearthing Controls on Critical Zone Processes from Big Data in the Anthropocene
Sullivan PL, Bush SA, Goldrich-Middaugh G, Guthrie AV, Johnson K, Koop A, Li B, Rudick AK, Ajami H, Billings S, Carey J, Flores A, Hirmas DR, Jankowski KJ, Li L, Ma L, Sprenger M & Ricketts J
(2024) Uranium-Series Isotopes in the Critical Zone: New Developments of a Watershed Tracer for Climate, Lithology, and Land Use
Ma L, Andreu N, Moreu L, Goldrich-Middaugh G, Hererra J, Ricketts J & Sullivan PL
(2024) Critical Zone Science at The Convergence of Disciplines, People, Place, and Scales
Li L, Barnard H, Jin L, Ma L, Perdrial JN, Singha K & Sullivan PL
(2024) Fluvial Knickpoints and Transient Erosion on Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, with Implications for Estimates of Chemical Weathering
Sak PB, Miller SR, Ma L & Gaillardet J
(2023) U-Series and Sr Isotope Systematics in Soil Carbonates from Natural and Managed Dryland Critical Zones: Implications for Inorganic Carbon Storage and Transformation in Dryland Soils of the American Southwest
Ma L, Nyachoti S, Garcia V, Monger C, Tweedie C, Gill T & Jin L
(2022) Using Dissolved (234U/238U) Ratios as a Watershed Tracer for Climate, Lithology, and Land Use: A Combined Geochemical, Geological, and Geographic Approach in Texas Rivers
Ma L, Andreu N, Moreu L, Goldrich-Middaugh G, Soto-Montero P, Ricketts J & Sullivan PL
(2022) Tree Size as a Proxy of Texture and Soil Salinity in a Pecan Orchard: Exploring the Spatial Variability and Dominant Controls on Carbon Fluxes in Managed Dryland Critical Zone
Quiroz M, Garcia A, Molina V, Ramirez-Valle O, Sosa M, Orona V, Kaip G, Doser D, Engle M, Gutierrez H, Darrouzet-Nardi A, Ma L & Jin L
(2021) When Geophyics Meet Geochemical Reactive Transport in a Tropical Volcanic Critical Zone
Pasquet S, Fernandez NM, Hayes JL, Ma L, Sak P & Gaillardet J
(2020) Reconciling Chemical Weathering Rates Across Scales: Insights from U-Series Isotopes in Volcanic Weathering Clasts from Basse-Terre Island (Guadeloupe)
Ma L, Guo J, Pereyra Y, Engel J, Gaillardet J & Sak P
(2020) The Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Basinal Fluids in the Paradox Basin: Implications for Sources, Flowpaths, and Residence Time
Kim J-H, Noyes C, Dell'Oro A, Tyne R, Ferguson G, Person M, Ma L, Lu Z-T, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Ballentine C, Reiners P & McIntosh J
(2019) A Quantitative Assessment of the Presence and Mobility of Trace Metals in Soils and Groundwater
Sosa E, Ma L, Ortiz A & Jin L
(2019) Nature and Evolution of Crust in Southern Lhasa, Tibet: Transformation from Microcontinent to Juvenile Terrane
Ma L, Kerr A & Wang Q
(2019) Degassing Characteristics of Volcanogenetic CO2 in Continental Rift System, East Asia
Zhao W, Guo Z, Lei M, Zhang M & Ma L
(2019) Enhanced Chemical Weathering by Subsurface Flow Below Knickpoints
Le Traon C, Gaillardet J, Ma L, de Dreuzy J-R, Davy P, Sak P & Le Borgne T
(2018) Tracing Gypsiferous White Sands Aerosols in the Shallow Critical Zone at White Mountain, New Mexico Using Sr/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr Ratios
Rea P, Ma L, Gill T, Gardea-Torresdey J, Tamez C & Jin L
(2018) Combining U-Series and Sr Isotopes to Trace Water Flow Through the Critical Zone
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J
(2018) Sources of Calcium and Carbon in Pedogenic Calcite of Dryland Agricultural Soils
Ortiz A, Valles K, Ma L, Ogrinc N, Krajnc B, Kaye J & Jin L
(2018) U-Series Isotopes of Travertine Deposits Near the Santa Fe Fault in Laguna, New Mexico: Reconstruction of Paleo Flow Paths and Hydrodynamics
Garcia V, Ma L & Ricketts J
(2018) Quantifying Weathering Rind Formation Rates by in situ Measurements of U-Series Disequilibria with Laser Ablation (LA) MC-ICPMS
Ma L, Dosseto A, Gaillardet J, Sak P & Brantley S
(2017) Hydrologic and Environmental Controls on Uranium-Series Isotopes in a Natural Volcanic Weathering Environment
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J
(2017) Combining Uranium and Boron Isotope Ratios to Trace Anthropogenic Salinity Inputs to the Rio Grande River in Southwest USA
Ma L, Garcia S, Nyachoti S, Louvat P & Gaillardet J
(2017) Changes in Mn Oxidation State and U Immobility in Weathering Rinds
Sak P, Ma L, Gaillardet J, Herndon E & Brantley S
(2016) U-Series and Sr Isotope Ratios in Soils from Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe: Insights for Rapid Soil Formation in a Tropical Volcanic Setting
Pereyra Y, Ma L, Sak P, Gaillardet J, Buss H & Brantley S
(2016) Tracing Salinity Sources in the Semi-Arid Rio Grande River with a Multi-Isotope Tracer (U, S, B, and Sr) Approach
Ma L, Garcia S, Nyachoti S, Szynkiewicz A, McIntosh J & Gaillardet J
(2015) Controls on the Soil Genesis in the Alpine Rocky Mountains, Colorado
Jin L, Barraza A & Ma L
(2015) Quantifying Weathering Rates along a Precipitation Gradient on Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe: Insights from U-Series Isotopes in Weathering Rinds
Ma L, Engel J, Sak P, Gaillardet J, Ren M & Brantley S
(2015) Rates and Trends In in situ Chemical Weathering In a Tropical Soil, Basse Terre Island, Guadeloupe
Murphy M, Sak P, Ma L, Gaillardet J, Daniel C & Brantley S
(2014) Cd Isotopic Composition of Ferromanganese Crusts as a Proxy of Ocean Productivity
Yamaoka K, Ma L & Usui A
(2014) Using Novel Cd Isotopes to Trace Heavy Metal Pollution Related to Coal Combustion Products
Fouskas F, Ma L, Engle MA, Ruppert L & Geboy NJ
(2014) Quantifying the Signature of the Industrial Revolution from Pb, Cd and Zn Isotopes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
Ma L, Guo J, Herndon E, Jin L, Sanchez D & Brantley S
(2014) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Shale Weathering in the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: Accumulation of Light Mg Isotopes in Soils by Clay Mineral Transformation
Ma L, Teng F, Jin L & Brantley S
(2014) Irrigation Loads Salts on Agricultural Soils of Dryland: Anthropogenic Impact on the Critical Zone
Jin L, Cox C, Ganjegunte G, Nyachoti S & Ma L
(2012) Using Uranium Isotopes to Determine Salinity Sources in Rio Grande Waters
Ma L, Szynkiewicz A, Borrok D & McIntosh J
(2010) The Movement of Rock Particles Up and Water Pores Down Through Weathering Bedrock
Brantley S, Jin L, Ma L, Maya B, Ray F, Gernot R, Cole D & Navarre-Sitchler A
(2008) Geochronology of the Altay Adakite and the Initiation of the Paleo-Asian Ocean Subduction
Zhang H, Shen X & Ma L
(2008) Atmospheric Noble Gas Signatures in Deep Michigan Basin Brines as Indicators of a Past Thermal Event
Ma L, Castro C & Hall C