All abstracts by Yehoshua Kolodny in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Maturation Pathways of Amorphous Opal in Clay and Carbonate Rich Environments in Deep Sea Sediments Indicated by Silica δ18OYanchilina A, Yam R, Kolodny Y & Shemesh A
(2013) Redox Control on the Water Column Distribution of Ra in a Stratified Lake – Lake Kinneret, Israel
Sharabi G, Lazar B, Kolodny Y, Halicz L & Nishri A
(2007) Ra and Rn Enrichment in the Water Column of the Gulf of Aqaba (Northern Red Sea)
Lazar B & Kolodny Y
(2007) Ra and Th Adsorption Coefficients in Lakes – Estimate Based on a Whole Ecosystem Study in Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee)
Lazar B, Weinstein Y & Kolodny Y
(2007) U-Th, δ18O and Paleomagnetic Dating of a Mid-Pleistocene Lacustrine Sequence: The Amora Formation, Mount Sedom, Israel
Torfstein A, Haase-Schramm A, Waldmann N, Kolodny Y & Stein M