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All abstracts by Darryl A Hoppe in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Mineralogical Deportment of Critical Minerals during Porphyry Cu-Mo Ore Processing with Implications for Recovery
Piatak NM, Seal RR, Taylor AT, Pfaff K, Thompson JM, Hoppe DA, Lowers HA & Bird T

(2024) Heavy Mineral Content of Dredged Sediment, its Resource Potential and its Relationship to Elevated REE Concentrations in Groundwater Around a Dredged Material Placement Facility, Upper Chesapeake Bay, Maryland (USA)
Seal RR, Piatak NM, Green CJ, Hoppe DA, Pfaff K, Hayba DO, Hammarstrom JM, Harris WE & Bednar AJ

(2024) Integrating Chemical, Isotopic, and Dynamic Observations of the Oxidative Weathering of Pyrite
Killingsworth BA, Hayles JA, Kohl IE, Sun T, Hoppe DA, Bouyon A & Seal RR

(2023) Triple Oxygen Isotope Kinetics of Sulfate from Pyrite Oxidation Experiments
Killingsworth BA, Hayles JA, Sun T, Hoppe DA & Seal RR

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