All abstracts by Thorsten Geisler in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Unravelling (Ba, Sr)SO4 Oscillatory Zoning: A Lab-on-A-Chip Approach Integrating in situ Characterisation and Reactive Transport Modelling DiagnosticsPoonoosamy J, Mahrous M, Curti E, Bosbach D, Churakov SV, Deissmann G, Geisler T & Prasianakis NI
(2020) Diagenetic Stability of Ca, Mg, Zn, and Sr Isotopes in Teeth – An in Vitro Alteration Experiment of Biogenic Apatite in Isotopically Enriched Tracer Solution
Weber K, Weber M, Menneken M, Kral AG, Mertz-Kraus R, Geisler T, Vogl J & Tütken T
(2019) In Vitro Bone Fossilization – Micro to Nanoscale Alteration Processes
Kral AG, Guagliardo P, Fougerouse D, Saxey D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Tütken T & Geisler T
(2015) Real-Time, in situ Hyperspectral Raman Imaging of Mineral-Fluid Reactions
Geisler T, Lenting C, Stamm F & Sulzbach M
(2015) In situ Hyperspectral Raman Imaging of the Sintering Process of Kaolinite-Bearing Clay
Stange K & Geisler T
(2015) The Formation of Silica Corrosion Zones in Silicate Glasses in Silica Undersaturated Solution
Lenting C, Dohmen L, Gref E & Geisler T
(2015) Replacement of Wood Opal by Chalcedony: Implications for U-Pb Geochronology
Tomaschek F, Heuser A, Nemchin A & Geisler T
(2015) The Control of Calcium Silicate Weathering and Climate Evolution by Dissolution-Precipitation Processes at the Mineral-Water Interface
Ruiz-Agudo E, King HE, Patiño-Lopez LD, Putnis CV, Geisler T, Rodriguez-Navarro C & Putnis A
(2014) Textural Re-equilibration during Marble Replacement by Ca-Oxalate
King HE, Mattner D, Plümper O, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2014) The Role of Grain Boundaries and Transient Porosity as Fluid Pathways for Reaction Front Propagation
Jonas L, John T, King HE, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2013) Grain Boundaries and Transient Porosity as Fluid Pathways for Reaction Front Propagation
Jonas L, John T, King H, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2013) Rates of Natural Silica Precipitation Through Time
Merle R, Nemchin A, Simons S, Geisler T & Tomaschek F
(2011) Thermometry of Quartz from the Metaconglomerate of Jack Hills, Western Australia
Menneken M, Nemchin AA & Geisler T
(2011) Is the Oxygen Isotope Composition of Zircon Robust Against Aqueous Alteration?
Lenting C, Geisler T, Cliff JB, Kilburn MR & Nemchin AA
(2011) Interfacial Reactions during Olivine Replacement
King H, Satoh H, Geisler T, Tsukamoto K & Putnis A
(2009) The Interaction of Borosilicate Glass with Aqueous Solutions
Geisler T, Janssen A & Putnis A
(2009) Apatite from Calcium Carbonates: A Pseudomorphic Replacement Reaction
Kasioptas A, Perdikouri C, Putnis C, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2009) Raman Spectroscopic Determination of the Isotope Composition of CO2 Inclusions
Menneken M, Geisler T, Nemchin A & Strauss H
(2008) Effects of Chemical Weathering on the Chemical and Isotopic Signatures of Ancient Zircons from Jack Hills and Mt Narryer, Western Australia
Pidgeon R, Nemchin A & Geisler T
(2008) Multi-Stage Hydrothermal Alteration of Accessory Minerals from an Alkali Pegmatite from Zomba-Malosa (Malawi)
Soman A, Geisler-Wierwille T, Tomaschek F, Berndt-Gerdes J & Putnis A
(2007) The Mechanism of Oxidation and "Leaching" of Ilmenite during Natural and Experimental Alteration
Janssen A, Geisler T, Putnis C & Putnis A
(2007) Formation of Liesegang Rings in Borosilicate Glass during Experimental Alteration
Scheiter D, Janssen A & Geisler T
(2007) Hydrothermal Alkali and Oxygen-Isotope Exchange in Alkali Feldspars Controlled by Dissolution Reprecipitation Mechanisms
Niedermeier D, Putnis A & Geisler T
(2007) Oldest Terrestrial Diamonds in Zircon from Jack Hills, Western Australia
Menneken M, Nemchin A, Geisler T, Pidgeon R & Wilde S
(2006) Compositional and textural equilibration of minerals in contact with aqueous crustal fluids
Putnis C & Geisler T
(2006) Energy filtered TEM/STEM applied to mineralogical issues
Golla-Schindler U, Poeml P, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2006) 18O-tracing of the hydrothermal alteration of pyrochlore
Pöml P, Menneken M, Stephan T, Niedermeier D, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2004) Hydrothermal Stability of Crystalline and Radiation-Damaged Pyrochlore
Geisler T, Putnis A, Golla-Schindler U, Seydoux-Guillaume A & Janssen A
(2004) How Does a Replacement Front Proceed? Observations on Chlorapatite-Hydroxylapatite Replacements
Pollok K, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2002) Understanding CL in Natural Zircons
Poller U, Geisler T, Huth J & Pidgeon R
(2002) Radiation Damage in >4Ga Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
Pidgeon RT, Nemchin A, Geisler T & van Bronswijk W