All abstracts by Emmanuel Fritsch in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Are Oxygen Vacancies at the Origin of Orange Luminescence of Corundum?Vigier M & Fritsch E
(2021) Bushfires as a Possible Explanation for the Chromium Impregnation of the Population in New-Caledonia
Thery G, Juillot F, David M, Jourand P, Ducousso M & Fritsch E
(2021) Orange Luminescence of Corundum as a Source of Geologic Information ?
Vigier M, Fritsch E & Segura O
(2020) Pink Axinite from Merelani, Tanzania: a Natural Luminescent Mineral Irradiated in the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Metamorphic Belt
Vigier M & Fritsch E
(2019) Beyond 3d Ions: Gems Colored by Uranium and Sulfides
Fritsch E
(2017) Soil Evolution Through Climate Change: Insights from the EPR Dating of Western Ghâts (India) Laterites
Mathian M, Allard T, Fritsch E, Riotte J & Braun J-J
(2017) Water in Opals: New Insights from Thermal Analysis
Chauviré B, Thomas P, Rondeau B & Fritsch E
(2016) From Garnierite Toward Pyrite: A Journey at the Molecular Level that Depicts the Crystal-Chemistry of Nickel in New Caledonia
Juillot F, Fritsch E, Morin G, Dublet G, Noel V, Ona-Nguema G, Marchand C, Ikogou M, Brest J, Belin S, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Olivi L, Kappen P, Marakovic G & Brown Jr. G
(2016) Change in Co and Mn Speciation during the Differentiation of a Lateritic Regolith Upon Peridotites in New Caledonia
Dublet G, Juillot F, Fritsch E, Fandeur D, Ploquin F, Brest J, Proux O, Hazemann J-L, Olivi L & Morin G
(2014) Blue Spinel in Marble from Luc Yen, North Vietnam
Chauviré B, Rondeau B, Pardieu V & Fritsch E
(2014) Genesis of Precious Opal in the Critical Zone: Role of the Host Rock, Climate, and Biology
Rondeau B, Chauviré B, Fritsch E, Ayalew D & Mazzero F
(2013) Fate of Ni in Local Reduced Environments Developed on Lateritic Ni Ores from New Caledonia
Dublet G, Juillot F, Morin G, Fritsch E, Brest J & Brown GE,J
(2013) Mineralogical Pathways Involved in the Formation of Hydrous Mg/Ni Silicate Ores (New Caledonia)
Fritsch E, Juillot F, Auzende A-L, Dublet G, Caner L & Beaufort D
(2012) EXAFS Analysis of Crystal Chemistry of Ni in a Lateritic Weathering Profile from New Caledonia
Dublet G, Juillot F, Morin G, Fritsch E, Fandeur D, Ona-Nguema G & Brown Jr. G
(2010) Importance of Phyllosilicates and Fe/Mn Oxyhydroxides on the Distribution of Ni and Cr along a Lateritic Soil in New Caledonia
Juillot F, Fandeur D, Fritsch E, Morin G, Ambrosi J-P & Brown Jr. G
(2010) New Opals from Wollo, Ethiopia: Geochemical Characterization
Rondeau B, Fritsch E, Cenki-Tok B & Mazzero F
(2010) Luminescence of Opals: A Witness to their Geochemistry
Fritsch E, Gaillou E, Massuyeau F & Rondeau B
(2009) XANES Investigation of the Redox Behavior of Cr in a Tropical Context
Fandeur D, Juillot F, Morin G, Webb S, Olivi L, Hazemann J-L, Brown GE & Fritsch E
(2009) Hydrothermal vs. Meteoric Redistribution of Elements Upon Tropical Weathering of Ultramafic Rocks
Fritsch E, Fandeur D, Morin G, Fialin M, Couffignal F & Juillot F
(2009) Podzolisation and Exportation of Organic Matter in Black Waters of the Rio Negro (Upper Amazon Basin, Brazil)
Bardy M, Derenne S, Allard T, Benedetti M & Fritsch E
(2009) Tracing Weathering/Erosion Processes Using Colloidal Iron from the Rio Negro Basin (Brazil)
Allard T, Fritsch E, Weber T, Bardy M & Benedetti M
(2008) Cr Behavior after Oxidation by Mn-Oxides along a Weathering Profile in New Caledonia
Fandeur D, Juillot F, Fritsch E, Olivi L, Morin G, Brown, Jr GE, Webb S & Ambrosi J-P
(2007) The Role of Mn Oxides on the Geochemical Cycle of Chromium: A Field Study in New Caledonia
Fandeur D, Juillot F, Fritsch E, Olivi L, Cognigni A, Morin G & Ambrosi J-P
(2006) 238U-234U-230Th-226Ra radioactive disequilibria in an Amazon lateritic profile (Manaus, Brazil)
Pelt E, Chabaux F, Lucas Y, Allard T, Fritsch E, Balan E, Selo M & Innocent C
(2005) Toward a Geochemistry of Opals
Gaillou E, Rondeau B, Fritsch E, Bouhnik-Le Coz M, Cornen G & Ostroumov M
(2005) A New Geochemical Tool to Separate Basaltic from Metamorphic Blue Sapphires
Peucat J, Ruffault P, Fritsch E, Simonet C, Lasnier B & Bouhnik-LeCoz M
(2001) Mexican Gem Opals: Nano- and Micro-Structure, Raman Spectra, Origin of Color, and Comparison with Other Common Opals of Gemological Significance
Fritsch E, Ostrooumov M, Rondeau B, Barreau A, Albertini D, Marie A-M, Lasnier B & Wery J