All abstracts by Evelyn Frères in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Matrix Effects in MC-ICP-MS: An Isotopic Case Study for PbFrères E, Weis D & Gordon K
(2020) A Systematic Characterisation of Concentration Mismatch Effects in MC-ICP-MS
Frères E & Weis D
(2018) Self-Induced Matrix Effects in MC-ICP-MS
Frères E, Bilenker L, King E, Fourny A, Patton G, Weis D, Zhao Y, Freedman P & Gordon K
(2016) Effect of Oxide Formation on the Accuracy of Nd Isotopic Ratios Measurements in MC-ICP-MS
Frères E, Weis D, Newman K, Amini M & Gordon K