Details for: Fulvio Di Lorenzo
Fulvio Di Lorenzo
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2024) Molecular Scale Understanding of Ni2+ and Zn2+ Adsorption on Swelling Clay Minerals
Stotskyi V, Di Lorenzo F, Marques Fernandes M, Krack M, Scheinost AC, Lanson M, Lanson B & Churakov SV(2023) Molecular Scale Understanding of Ni2+ Adsorption on Swelling Clay Minerals
Stotskyi V, Di Lorenzo F, Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC, Krack M, Lanson M, Lanson B & Churakov SV(2022) Metal Sorption on Clay Minerals Aiming at the Geological Storage of Nuclear Wastes
Di Lorenzo F, Stotskyi V, Scheinost AC, Lanson M, Lanson B, Churakov SV & Marques Fernandes M(2021) Immobilization of Metals in Low pH M-S-H Cement
Ruiz Agudo C, Marsiske MR, Di Lorenzo F & Bernard E(2021) The Uptake of Pb2+ by MgCO3: Thermodynamic Possibilities and Kinetics Limitations
Di Lorenzo F & Churakov SV(2020) Carbonate Minerals for the Uptake of Heavy Metals: Experimental Studies of MgCO3 Reactivity with Pb2+
Di Lorenzo F & Churakov S(2019) Uptake of PbII by Calcite and Aragonite: The Influence of CaCO3 Polymorphism on the Process
Di Lorenzo F, Ruiz-Agudo C & Churakov S(2024) Molecular Scale Understanding of Ni2+ and Zn2+ Adsorption on Swelling Clay Minerals
Stotskyi V, Di Lorenzo F, Marques Fernandes M, Krack M, Scheinost AC, Lanson M, Lanson B & Churakov SV(2023) Molecular Scale Understanding of Ni2+ Adsorption on Swelling Clay Minerals
Stotskyi V, Di Lorenzo F, Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC, Krack M, Lanson M, Lanson B & Churakov SV(2022) Metal Sorption on Clay Minerals Aiming at the Geological Storage of Nuclear Wastes
Di Lorenzo F, Stotskyi V, Scheinost AC, Lanson M, Lanson B, Churakov SV & Marques Fernandes M(2021) The Uptake of Pb2+ by MgCO3: Thermodynamic Possibilities and Kinetics Limitations
Di Lorenzo F & Churakov SV(2021) Immobilization of Metals in Low pH M-S-H Cement
Ruiz Agudo C, Marsiske MR, Di Lorenzo F & Bernard E(2020) Carbonate Minerals for the Uptake of Heavy Metals: Experimental Studies of MgCO3 Reactivity with Pb2+
Di Lorenzo F & Churakov S(2019) Uptake of PbII by Calcite and Aragonite: The Influence of CaCO3 Polymorphism on the Process
Di Lorenzo F, Ruiz-Agudo C & Churakov S(2018) An Experimental Study of the Early Stages of Calcium Phosphate Formation and the Role of Additives
Ruiz-Agudo E, Di Lorenzo F, Ruiz-Agudo C, Alvarez-Lloret P, Kaczmarski J, Burgos-Cara A & Rodriguez-Navarro C(2017) Use of Zirconium-Based MOFs to Enhance Silicate Carbonation
Di Lorenzo F, Ruiz-Agudo E, Ibañez-Velasco A, Navarro JAR & Rodriguez-Navarro C(2017) Crystallization and Colloidal Stabilization of Ca(OH)2 in the Presence of Additives
Burgos-Cara A, Ruiz-Agudo E, Elert K, Di Lorenzo F & Rodriguez-Navarro C(2015) Thermodynamic Properties and Crystallization Behaviour of (Mg, Fe)CO3 Solid Solution
Di Lorenzo F & Prieto M(2014) The Kinetics of Solvent-Mediated Trasformation of Hydromagnesite into Magnesite at Different Temperatures and Pressures
Di Lorenzo F, Rodríguez-Galán RM & Prieto MSession convener
Goldschmidt2020 - Session 08r: Minerals to Materials: Geomimetic Pathways and Exotic Reactivity for a Sustainable Future
Goldschmidt2019 - Session 05d: Minerals and Geochemical Processes for Sustainable Future: From Fundamental Knowledge to Industrial Applications