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(2020) Dating Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions by Monazite in Hornfels: The Kabanga Instrusions in the Eastern African Nickel Belt

Zi J-W, Rasmussen B, Muhling J, Maier W & Fletcher IR


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04f: Room 1, Friday 26th June 01:06 - 01:09

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Celestine Mercer on Tuesday 23rd June 21:51
Hello Jian-Wei, thank you for your presentation! I'm impressed with the utility of this metamorphic monazite application, well-presented! I'm surprised at how small some of those monazites are that you analyzed. Can you talk a bit about the precision of this technique and what limitations it may have? Do you have to worry about zoning or alteration in monazite? The M-II monazite is texturally very different than M-I and M-III generations, what does this tell you about the M-II event? Given your new data, how would you update the bi-modal magmatism hypothesis? Thanks! -Celeste

Submitted by Carlos Rosiere on Thursday 25th June 19:22
Hi Jian-Wei, thank you for the nice work. I understand the M-III monazite is hydrothermal, from fluids from the same suite of the Tin granite! Can you say something more about this 1000Ma event? Are there pegmatites of this age?

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