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(2020) In situ and Laboratory High-Pressure Cultivations of Deep Microbiome at Two Japanese Underground Facilities

Suzuki Y


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08f: Room 3, Tuesday 23rd June 06:03 - 06:06

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Barbara Sherwood Lollar on Saturday 20th June 20:05
Thank you for this deeply integrative talk. One of the major themes you identify are the differences in microbial ecosystems in old, older (versus (Younger) basalt systems. What are the major controls you feel might account for differences observed – colonization histories, fluid histories, physical parameters such as T-pH-P; or weathering and alteration reactions? Thank you – question posed by Barbara Sherwood Lollar (barbara.sherwoodlollar@utoronto.ca)

Submitted by Oliver Warr on Sunday 21st June 20:09
Hi, I really enjoyed your slides; it is very interesting to see the role pressure may have on microbial activity. What adaptive processes do you think have allowed the microbes you investigated to be more efficient at methanotrophy at high pressures? Also, do you have a sense for the highest pressures where life might be able to function?

Submitted by Weibin Chen on Sunday 21st June 20:51
Thanks for the great work and presentation ppt! It is fascinating to learn that that life thrives even inside the rock in the harsh condition under high pressure in the deep sea! Sorry for my fundamental question. On page 13, how should I interpret the change of Cl in response to the abundances of humic substances and sulfate? Just want to understand the chemistry between these variables? So we won't expect to see such dependency in surface ecosystem? Thank you very much!

Submitted by Rob Schmitz on Monday 22nd June 18:33
Thank you for the presentation. Could you speculate on the role of the large amount of cytochromes found in ANME-2d microorganisms that you have found?

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