Details for: Franck Poitrasson
Franck Poitrasson (GET-CNRS)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2013 Goldschmidt2014 Goldschmidt2015 Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2017 Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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(2023) Impact of Deforestation on the Iron Elemental and Isotopic Cycling in Amazonian Streams
Poitrasson F, Akerman A, Oliva P, Seyler P, Da Silva Souza V, Mancini L, Ponzevera E & Santos RV(2023) New Methodological Developments in the Measurement of Pb, Fe and Cu Isotopes in Ancient Gold for the Purpose of Provenance Studies
de Palaminy L, Baron S, Poitrasson F, Blet-Lemarquand M & Perrière L(2022) Iron and Silicon Isotope Fractionation in Silicate Melts Using First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
Rabin S, Blanchard M, Pinilla C, Poitrasson F & Grégoire M(2020) Zinc Isotope Study of Neurotoxic Peptide Aggregation
Poitrasson F, Sabater L, Henry M, Atrian-Blasco E, Sonke JE, Viers J & Hureau C(2019) Fractionation of Zn Isotopes during Uptake of ZnO Nanomaterials by Plants
Caldelas C, Poitrasson F, Viers J & Araus JL(2019) Oceanic Crust Assimilation in Kerguelen Archipelago Trachytes
Rabin S, Grégoire M, Patrier P, Meunier A & Poitrasson F(2019) Silicon Isotope Composition of Major Zircon Reference Materials
d'Abzac F-X, Rabin S, Chmeleff J, Poitrasson F & Schaltegger U(2019) Theoretical Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionation Factors between Silicate Minerals in the Context of Magmatic Differentiation
Rabin S, Blanchard M, Pinilla C, Poitrasson F & Grégoire M(2019) Zinc Isotope Investigations into Neuropeptide Aggregation
Poitrasson F, Sabater L, Henry M, Atrian-Blasco E, Sonke JE, Viers J & Hureau C(2018) On the Iron Isotope Heterogeneity of Lunar Highlands
Poitrasson F, Zambardi T, Magna T & Neal CR(2018) Processes Involved in Iron Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation: The Kerguelen Archipelago Case
Rabin S, Poitrasson F, Grégoire M & Sossi P(2017) Controls on Si Isotopic Fractionations in the Forested Tropical Watershed of Mule Hole (Southern India)
Riotte J, Meunier J-D, Zambardi T, Audry S, Barboni D, Anupama K, Prasad S, Chmeleff J, Sekhar M, Poitrasson F & Braun J-J(2017) Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis: Are Ultrafast Lasers Worthwhile?
Poitrasson F, D'Abzac F-X & Chmeleff J(2017) Iron Isotopes for Ancient Iron Metal Tracing: Comparison with Trace Elements Analyses
Milot J, Baron S, Poitrasson F & Coustures M-P(2017) Metal-Silicate Isotope Fractionation Experiments to Constrain Planetesimals Differentiation
Guignard J, Quitté G, Toplis M & Poitrasson F(2017) Nickel Isotopes as a Tracer of Planetary Differentiation Processes?
Quitté G, Poitrasson F & Guignard J(2023) New Methodological Developments in the Measurement of Pb, Fe and Cu Isotopes in Ancient Gold for the Purpose of Provenance Studies
de Palaminy L, Baron S, Poitrasson F, Blet-Lemarquand M & Perrière L(2023) Impact of Deforestation on the Iron Elemental and Isotopic Cycling in Amazonian Streams
Poitrasson F, Akerman A, Oliva P, Seyler P, Da Silva Souza V, Mancini L, Ponzevera E & Santos RV(2022) Iron and Silicon Isotope Fractionation in Silicate Melts Using First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
Rabin S, Blanchard M, Pinilla C, Poitrasson F & Grégoire M(2020) Zinc Isotope Study of Neurotoxic Peptide Aggregation
Poitrasson F, Sabater L, Henry M, Atrian-Blasco E, Sonke JE, Viers J & Hureau C(2019) Oceanic Crust Assimilation in Kerguelen Archipelago Trachytes
Rabin S, Grégoire M, Patrier P, Meunier A & Poitrasson F(2019) Zinc Isotope Investigations into Neuropeptide Aggregation
Poitrasson F, Sabater L, Henry M, Atrian-Blasco E, Sonke JE, Viers J & Hureau C(2019) Silicon Isotope Composition of Major Zircon Reference Materials
d'Abzac F-X, Rabin S, Chmeleff J, Poitrasson F & Schaltegger U(2019) Theoretical Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionation Factors between Silicate Minerals in the Context of Magmatic Differentiation
Rabin S, Blanchard M, Pinilla C, Poitrasson F & Grégoire M(2019) Fractionation of Zn Isotopes during Uptake of ZnO Nanomaterials by Plants
Caldelas C, Poitrasson F, Viers J & Araus JL(2018) Processes Involved in Iron Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation: The Kerguelen Archipelago Case
Rabin S, Poitrasson F, Grégoire M & Sossi P(2018) On the Iron Isotope Heterogeneity of Lunar Highlands
Poitrasson F, Zambardi T, Magna T & Neal CR(2017) Iron Isotopes for Ancient Iron Metal Tracing: Comparison with Trace Elements Analyses
Milot J, Baron S, Poitrasson F & Coustures M-P(2017) Nickel Isotopes as a Tracer of Planetary Differentiation Processes?
Quitté G, Poitrasson F & Guignard J(2017) Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis: Are Ultrafast Lasers Worthwhile?
Poitrasson F, D'Abzac F-X & Chmeleff J(2017) Metal-Silicate Isotope Fractionation Experiments to Constrain Planetesimals Differentiation
Guignard J, Quitté G, Toplis M & Poitrasson F(2017) Controls on Si Isotopic Fractionations in the Forested Tropical Watershed of Mule Hole (Southern India)
Riotte J, Meunier J-D, Zambardi T, Audry S, Barboni D, Anupama K, Prasad S, Chmeleff J, Sekhar M, Poitrasson F & Braun J-JSession convener
Goldschmidt2015 - Session 17g: Stable Isotope Fractionation Mechanisms in Planetary Crusts and Interiors