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Details for: Francesco Di Benedetto

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: francesco.dibenedetto@unifi.it. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2020) A Study of Radicals in Industrial Raw Cristobalite Powders
Di Benedetto F, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Montegrossi G, Belluso E, Capella S, Zoleo A, Arcangeli G, Marinaccio A, Gottardo O & Capacci F

(2019) A microXRF Study of Silicon and its Behaviour in Lung Tissues with Evidence of Silicosis
Di Benedetto F, Belluso E, Cappella S, Visonà S, Moretti M, Osculati A, Buccianti A, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Montegrossi G, Arcangeli G & Capacci F

(2019) An EPR Study of Silica Radicals in Lung Tissues with Evidence of Silicosis
Di Benedetto F, Belluso E, Capella S, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Ciuffi B, Montegrossi G, Zoleo A & Capacci F

(2022) Unexpected Metal Micro/Nanoparticles in Mediastinal Lymph Nodes: A Combined µXRF and INAA Case Study
Di Benedetto F, Visonà S, Moretti M, Merli D, Osculati A, Giaccherini A, Montegrossi G, Capella S, Belluso E & Hesse B

(2020) A Study of Radicals in Industrial Raw Cristobalite Powders
Di Benedetto F, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Montegrossi G, Belluso E, Capella S, Zoleo A, Arcangeli G, Marinaccio A, Gottardo O & Capacci F

(2019) An EPR Study of Silica Radicals in Lung Tissues with Evidence of Silicosis
Di Benedetto F, Belluso E, Capella S, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Ciuffi B, Montegrossi G, Zoleo A & Capacci F

(2019) A microXRF Study of Silicon and its Behaviour in Lung Tissues with Evidence of Silicosis
Di Benedetto F, Belluso E, Cappella S, Visonà S, Moretti M, Osculati A, Buccianti A, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Montegrossi G, Arcangeli G & Capacci F

(2013) Arsenic-Chloride Exchange in the Pecora River Valley (Southern Tuscany, Italy)
Morelli G, Gasparon M, Costagliola P, Rimondi V, Benvenuti M, Di Benedetto F, Lattanzi P & Paolieri M

Session convener

Goldschmidt2020 - Session 13d: Airborne Particles and Fibers: Characteristics, Sources, Toxicology, and Impacts on Ecosystems and Human Health

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