Details for: Shah Wali Faryad
Shah Wali Faryad (Charles University, Prague)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2015 Goldschmidt2020
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(2020) Preservation of Growth Zoning in Garnet as Response of Short-Living Metamorphism in Hot Orogenic Zones
Faryad SW & Ježek J(2015) Mineralogical and Geochronological Records of Paleo- and Neoproterozoic Orogenies in the Kabul Block (Afghanistan)
Faryad SW, Collett S, Sergeev S & Finger F(2015) Multiple Prograde Metamorphic History of UHP Granulites from the Moldanubian Zone – Revelation by Y+REEs Compositional Zoning in Garnets
Jedlička R, Faryad SW & Hauzenberger C(2011) Evidence for Subduction History Recorded by Mineral Inclusions in High-Grade Metamorphics of the Modanubian Zone, Central Europe
Faryad SW, Lexa O, Racek M, Dolejš D & Jedlička R(2011) Mineral Assemblages and Metamorphic History of Granulites in the Rychleby Mts., Bohemian Massif
Schlöglová K, Faryad SW, Dolejš D & Klápová H
(2020) Preservation of Growth Zoning in Garnet as Response of Short-Living Metamorphism in Hot Orogenic Zones
Faryad SW & Ježek J(2015) Mineralogical and Geochronological Records of Paleo- and Neoproterozoic Orogenies in the Kabul Block (Afghanistan)
Faryad SW, Collett S, Sergeev S & Finger F(2015) Multiple Prograde Metamorphic History of UHP Granulites from the Moldanubian Zone – Revelation by Y+REEs Compositional Zoning in Garnets
Jedlička R, Faryad SW & Hauzenberger C(2011) Mineral Assemblages and Metamorphic History of Granulites in the Rychleby Mts., Bohemian Massif
Schlöglová K, Faryad SW, Dolejš D & Klápová H(2011) Evidence for Subduction History Recorded by Mineral Inclusions in High-Grade Metamorphics of the Modanubian Zone, Central Europe
Faryad SW, Lexa O, Racek M, Dolejš D & Jedlička R(2007) Incipient Eclogite Facies Metamorphism in a Granulite Recorded by Inclusion Pattern and Compositional Zoning in Garnet
Faryad SW & Kosler J(2006) HP/UHP metamorphism with granulite facies overprint from the Moldanubian zone (European Variscides)
Faryad SW, Nahodilova R & Mache M(2006) Subduction and exhumation rates in crustal rocks from textural relations and diffusion modelling
Faryad SW & Chakraborty SSession convener
Goldschmidt2020 - Session 04h: Minerals as a Recorder of Crustal Processes
Goldschmidt2015 - Session 16b: Integrated Geochronological and P-T Records of Tectonic Processes at Plate Margins
Goldschmidt2011 - Session 06e: Deep Subduction of Crustal Rocks into the Mantle: Observations, Experiments, Models