Details for: Bin Li
Bin Li (Central South University)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2017
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2019) Thermodynamic Evolution of the Magnesian Iron Skarn from the Galinge Fe Skarn Deposit in Qinghai, Western China
Yu M, Dick J, Mao J, Feng C & Li B(2018) Multistage Ilvaite-Bearing Assemblages from the Galinge Skarn Fe Deposit, Western China: A Record of Retrograde Alteration
Yu M, Dick JM, Feng C, Li B, Mao J, Lu A & Zhu Y(2019) Thermodynamic Evolution of the Magnesian Iron Skarn from the Galinge Fe Skarn Deposit in Qinghai, Western China
Yu M, Dick J, Mao J, Feng C & Li B(2018) Multistage Ilvaite-Bearing Assemblages from the Galinge Skarn Fe Deposit, Western China: A Record of Retrograde Alteration
Yu M, Dick JM, Feng C, Li B, Mao J, Lu A & Zhu Y(2017) Laboratory Measurement of Electrical Conductivity on Hydrous Andesitic Melts
Guo X, Li B, Ni H & Mao Z