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Details for: Camilla Imarisio

  • Camilla Imarisio

    Camilla Imarisio (Royal Holloway University of London)


My enthusiasm for volcanoes and volcanic hazards began when, during a school trip to Sicily, I watched Stromboli erupt from the sea. This, and my passion for travelling, led me to choose a Geology degree at university and in 2010, from a small city in northern Italy, I moved to Royal Holloway where I graduated with a MSci Geoscience degree. My PhD project started in September 2014, supervised by Dr. Christina Manning and Dr. Dave Waltham, and aims at finding geochemical evidence of magma interaction between erupted products from closely related volcanic centres in Iceland as well as trying to extend the study to different tectonic settings, such as the Aeolian Arc in Italy. Crystal zones, like tree rings, record the growth history of minerals. The variation in composition, size and the type of boundary between zones all provide important information on the petrogenetic history of individual crystals. Histories from multiple mineral grains can be pieced together to generate a magmatic history for the lava they are now hosted which in turn can contribute to our understanding of the dynamics and interactions within a specific magma plumbing system.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: camilla.imarisio.2010@live.rhul.ac.uk. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

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