Details for: Amber Jarrett
Amber Jarrett (Geoscience Australia)
I am a geochemist, working with the Onshore Energy Systems team at Geoscience Australia since 2014. I am interested in basin hosted resource potential, petroleum systems, organic-inorganic geochemistry, isotopes, Proterozoic biomarkers and early life.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2020) Discovery of the Oldest Known Biogenic Molecules at the Edge of Detectability
Vinnichenko G, Jarrett A, van Maldegem L, Hope J & Brocks J(2019) D15N and δ13C Isotopes of Proterozoic McArthur Basin, Australia: Redox Proxies for Atmospheric pO2
Shannon A, Cox G, Jarrett A & Kunzmann M(2019) Organic Geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic McArthur River (HYC) Zn/Pb Deposit
Vinnichenko G, Hope J, Jarrett A & Brocks J(2017) Pore Water Redox Variability and Environmental Change Recorded by the 1.4 Ga Velkerri Formation, Northern Territories, Australia
Johnson B, Cox G, Jarrett A & Tosca N(2017) The Rise of Algae in Cryogenian Oceans and the Emergence of Animals
Brocks J, Jarrett A, Sirantoine E, Hallmann C, Hoshino Y & Liyanage T(2015) Early Sponges and Toxic Protists? Cryostane, a New Biomarker Antedating Sturtian Snowball Earth
Brocks J, Jarrett A, Sirantoine E, Kenig F, Moczydłowska M & Porter S(2020) Discovery of the Oldest Known Biogenic Molecules at the Edge of Detectability
Vinnichenko G, Jarrett A, van Maldegem L, Hope J & Brocks J(2019) D15N and δ13C Isotopes of Proterozoic McArthur Basin, Australia: Redox Proxies for Atmospheric pO2
Shannon A, Cox G, Jarrett A & Kunzmann M(2019) Organic Geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic McArthur River (HYC) Zn/Pb Deposit
Vinnichenko G, Hope J, Jarrett A & Brocks J(2017) Pore Water Redox Variability and Environmental Change Recorded by the 1.4 Ga Velkerri Formation, Northern Territories, Australia
Johnson B, Cox G, Jarrett A & Tosca N(2017) The Rise of Algae in Cryogenian Oceans and the Emergence of Animals
Brocks J, Jarrett A, Sirantoine E, Hallmann C, Hoshino Y & Liyanage T(2015) Early Sponges and Toxic Protists? Cryostane, a New Biomarker Antedating Sturtian Snowball Earth
Brocks J, Jarrett A, Sirantoine E, Kenig F, Moczydłowska M & Porter S