Details for: Matthew Heizler
Matthew Heizler (New Mexico Bureau of Geology)
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2024) A Multidisciplinary Approach to Quantifying Atmospheric Oxygen and Environmental Conditions in Geologic Time Using Evaporites
Blamey N, Brand U, Lefebvre A, Morrison AK, Lecuyer C, Riechelmann S & Heizler M(2020) Muscovite MDD: In Vacuo Argon Release via Volume Diffusion
Heizler M, Holland M & Long S(2017) Precise Hematite (U-Th)/He Age Determinations Using a Multi-Aliquot Method
Wu L-Y, Stuart FM & Heizler M(2024) A Multidisciplinary Approach to Quantifying Atmospheric Oxygen and Environmental Conditions in Geologic Time Using Evaporites
Blamey N, Brand U, Lefebvre A, Morrison AK, Lecuyer C, Riechelmann S & Heizler M(2020) Muscovite MDD: In Vacuo Argon Release via Volume Diffusion
Heizler M, Holland M & Long S(2019) Measurements of Oxygen Flanking the GOE
Blamey N, Brand U, Lecuyer C, Parnell J, Heizler M, Lepland A, Nic B & Betus S(2018) Development of a Halite Screening Protocol for Ancient Atmosphere
Blamey N, Brand U, Parnell J, Lecuyer C, Heizler M, Fralick P, Davis A & Shaver K(2017) Precise Hematite (U-Th)/He Age Determinations Using a Multi-Aliquot Method
Wu L-Y, Stuart FM & Heizler M(2015) Age and Petrological Complexities of Young Alkalic Magmas at Changbaishan/Mt. Baekdu Volcano
Ramos F, Heizler M, James G, Buettner J, Wei H & Scott S(2015) Breeching the Holocene: Advances in Single Crystal 40Ar/39Ar Dating Using the ARGUS VI Mass Spectrometer
Heizler M & Ramos F(2014) Accurate 40Ar/39Ar MDD Thermal Histories of Extraterrestrial Samples
Boehnke P, Heizler M, Harrison M, Lovera O & Warren P(2014) 10e13 Ohm Faraday Multi-Collection: Striving for Accuracy to Match Ultra-High Precision 40Ar/39Ar Measurements
Heizler M, McIntosh W, Ross J & Hamilton D(2014) Mid-Cretaceous Granulites and the Age of the Alpine Fault “Big Bend”
Sagar MW, Palin JM, Seward D & Heizler M(2013) Noise is Now Signal: Capturing the Relevant from the Distraction
Heizler M