Details for: Félix Gervais
Félix Gervais (Polytechnique Montréal)
Associate professor at Polytechnique Montréal since 2011. Unraveling the tectonic evolution of high-grade metamorphic terrains (SE Canadian Cordillera, Grenville Province, Himalaya) by combining fieldwork, structural geology and petrochronology.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2022) Reconstructing Detailed P-T-T Paths of Kyanite-Bearing, Migmatitic Metapelites Through Combined Petrochronology and Garnet Diffusion Modelling
Gervais F & Larson K(2020) Accessory Phase Petrochronology Under Pressure: Unravelling the History of Grenvillian Eclogites
Kavanagh-Lepage C, Gervais F, Næraa T & Moukhsil A(2020) Solving Three Metamorphic Mysteries by Apprehending the Culprit: The Biotite Solution Model
Gervais F(2020) Using Big Datasets to Trace Tectonic Boundaries in the Western Grenville Province
Lambert C, Gervais F, Bédard J & Moukhsil A(2022) Reconstructing Detailed P-T-T Paths of Kyanite-Bearing, Migmatitic Metapelites Through Combined Petrochronology and Garnet Diffusion Modelling
Gervais F & Larson K(2020) Accessory Phase Petrochronology Under Pressure: Unravelling the History of Grenvillian Eclogites
Kavanagh-Lepage C, Gervais F, Næraa T & Moukhsil A(2020) Using Big Datasets to Trace Tectonic Boundaries in the Western Grenville Province
Lambert C, Gervais F, Bédard J & Moukhsil A