Details for: Miguel Angel Gomez Gonzalez
Miguel Angel Gomez Gonzalez (Diamond Light Source Ltd.)
Environmental scientist with an analytical chemistry background, seeking state-of-the-art research on environmental processes, such as fate, behavior and dissolution kinetics of engineered nanomaterials in aquatic media.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2022) Spatially Resolved Transformation of ZnO Nanomaterials Adsorbed to Microplastics in Environmentally Relevant Solutions
Gomez Gonzalez MA, Da Silva-Ferreira T, Quinn PD & Parker JE(2020) In situ ZnO Speciation Changes Towards Zn-Sulfide and Zn-Phosphate within Urban Wastewater Environments
Gomez Gonzalez MA, Koronfel MA, Parker JE, Quinn PD, Yallop ML, Ryan MP & Porter AE(2022) Spatially Resolved Transformation of ZnO Nanomaterials Adsorbed to Microplastics in Environmentally Relevant Solutions
Gomez Gonzalez MA, Da Silva-Ferreira T, Quinn PD & Parker JE(2020) In situ ZnO Speciation Changes Towards Zn-Sulfide and Zn-Phosphate within Urban Wastewater Environments
Gomez Gonzalez MA, Koronfel MA, Parker JE, Quinn PD, Yallop ML, Ryan MP & Porter AE