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Details for: Sofia Panasiuk

Sofia Panasiuk is a third year undergraduate student pursuing a B.Sc studying Geology, Chemistry and Mathematics at the University of Toronto. In her work-study position with the university she is developing a bathymetry database using a suite of data processing and mapping software including Qimera, Global Mapper, ArcGIS and Photoshop. Sofia has taken part in a variety of fieldwork projects including mapping, structural geology and geophysical surveying. She is an active leader in her community in both academics and student groups. Her roles include planning academic seminars and workshops, as well as facilitating communication between students, faculty and industry professionals. Sofia has taken part in several case competitions where she was tasked with innovating improvements to current industry practices leveraging modern technology. She plans to work in the energy and natural resource sector on innovative technology and extraction methods that are distinct in efficiency and minimal environmental impact.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: sofia.panasiuk@mail.utoronto.ca. Otherwise, try an advanced search.


Goldschmidt2020: Mentee (Mentored by Aaron Pietruszka)

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