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Details for: Joel Scheingross

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: jscheingross@unr.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2023) Lithium Isotopes in Soil Unlock the Coupling of Silicate Weathering and Organic Carbon Cycling
Ramos EJ, Larsen WJ, Hou Y, Munoz S, Scheingross JS, Repasch MN, Ibarra DE & Torres MA

(2022) Towards Sustainable Landscapes – Fluvial Organic Carbon Fluxes Modulated by River Morphology
Repasch M, Scheingross J, Hovius N, Szupiany R, Lupker M, Haghipour N, Eglinton TI & Sachse D

(2020) Fluvial Sediment Transit Time Regulates the Fate of Organic Carbon between Source and Sink
Repasch M, Scheingross J, Hovius N, Wittmann H, Lupker M, Eglinton T, Haghipour N & Sachse D

(2023) Lithium Isotopes in Soil Unlock the Coupling of Silicate Weathering and Organic Carbon Cycling
Ramos EJ, Larsen WJ, Hou Y, Munoz S, Scheingross JS, Repasch MN, Ibarra DE & Torres MA

(2022) Towards Sustainable Landscapes – Fluvial Organic Carbon Fluxes Modulated by River Morphology
Repasch M, Scheingross J, Hovius N, Szupiany R, Lupker M, Haghipour N, Eglinton TI & Sachse D

(2020) Fluvial Sediment Transit Time Regulates the Fate of Organic Carbon between Source and Sink
Repasch M, Scheingross J, Hovius N, Wittmann H, Lupker M, Eglinton T, Haghipour N & Sachse D

(2017) Insights into Organic Carbon Oxidation Potential during Fluvial Transport from Laboratory and Field Experiments
Scheingross JS, Dellinger M, Eglington T, Fuchs M, Golombek N, Hilton R, Hovius N, Lupker M, Repasch M, Sachse D, Turowski J, Veith-Hillebrand A & Wittmann H

Session convener

Goldschmidt2020 - Session 10f: Source to Sink Dynamics of Sediment, Solutes and Carbon: Implications for Climate, Biogeochemical Cycles, Tectonics and Life

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