Details for: Alice MacDonald
Alice MacDonald (University of Queensland)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2022) Magmatic Pathways Feeding the 2021 Paroxysmal Events at Mt Etna: A Mineral Perspective
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Mollo S & Taddeucci J(2021) Tracking Thermal Pathways of Magma Ascent and Eruption Using Trace Element Partitioning in Sector Zoned Clinopyroxene
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Masotta M, Mollo S, Pontesilli A, Magee R & Zhao J-X(2020) The Role of Undercooling on Trace Element Partitioning in Sector-Zoned Clinopyroxene
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Masotta M, Mollo S & Pontesilli A(2024) Microanalysis of Volcanic Matrix Tracks Melt Composition Across Space and Time
Ubide T, Márquez A, Ancochea E, Huertas MJ, Herrera R, Coello Brazo JJ, Sanz Mangas D, Mulder JA, MacDonald A & Galindo I(2022) Magmatic Pathways Feeding the 2021 Paroxysmal Events at Mt Etna: A Mineral Perspective
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Mollo S & Taddeucci J(2021) Tracking Thermal Pathways of Magma Ascent and Eruption Using Trace Element Partitioning in Sector Zoned Clinopyroxene
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Masotta M, Mollo S, Pontesilli A, Magee R & Zhao J-X(2020) The Role of Undercooling on Trace Element Partitioning in Sector-Zoned Clinopyroxene
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Masotta M, Mollo S & Pontesilli AStudent Helper