Details for: Charline Lormand
Charline Lormand (Volcanic Risk Solutions, Massey University)
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2022) Age and Petrology of Koko Rift Basalts: Hawai‘i's most Recent and Atypical Rejuvenation Stage Eruptive Sequence
Garcia MO, Swanson K, Lormand C, Jicha B & Norman M(2022) The Apatite Record of Pre-Eruptive Magma Mixing and Mush Disaggregation
Humphreys MCS, Smith VC, Lormand C, Coumans J, Brooker RA & Stock MJ(2022) Ultra-High Resolution Element Mapping Reveals Sub-Micron Scale Sr Disequilibria within Plagioclase Microlites: Implications for Magma Ascent Chronometry
Coulthard D, Lormand C, Brahm R, Zellmer GF, Sakamoto N, Blundy JD, Iizuka Y & Yurimoto H(2021) Magma Speed Dating: Syn-Eruptive Magma Mingling Determined Through Major Element and Volatile Exchange of Silicate Glass
Kilgour G, Lormand C, Zellmer G, Buse B, Sakamoto N & Yurimoto H(2020) Pulses of Aphyric Andesite Dykes Remobilising Micrometre-Sized Crystal Cargo at Tongariro, NZ
Lormand C, Zellmer GF, Sakamoto N, Kilgour G, Palmer AS, Yurimoto H, Nemeth K, Mead S, Ubide T, Iizuka Y & Moebis A(2022) The Apatite Record of Pre-Eruptive Magma Mixing and Mush Disaggregation
Humphreys MCS, Smith VC, Lormand C, Coumans J, Brooker RA & Stock MJ(2022) Age and Petrology of Koko Rift Basalts: Hawai‘i's most Recent and Atypical Rejuvenation Stage Eruptive Sequence
Garcia MO, Swanson K, Lormand C, Jicha B & Norman M(2022) Ultra-High Resolution Element Mapping Reveals Sub-Micron Scale Sr Disequilibria within Plagioclase Microlites: Implications for Magma Ascent Chronometry
Coulthard D, Lormand C, Brahm R, Zellmer GF, Sakamoto N, Blundy JD, Iizuka Y & Yurimoto H(2021) Magma Speed Dating: Syn-Eruptive Magma Mingling Determined Through Major Element and Volatile Exchange of Silicate Glass
Kilgour G, Lormand C, Zellmer G, Buse B, Sakamoto N & Yurimoto H(2020) Pulses of Aphyric Andesite Dykes Remobilising Micrometre-Sized Crystal Cargo at Tongariro, NZ
Lormand C, Zellmer GF, Sakamoto N, Kilgour G, Palmer AS, Yurimoto H, Nemeth K, Mead S, Ubide T, Iizuka Y & Moebis A