Details for: Green David
Green David (Mineral Resources Tasmania)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2020
Dr Green is a senior geologist at Mineral Resources Tasmania (Geological Survey of Tasmania) with over 20 year’s experience. David is an expert in the collection and analysis of hyperspectral mineralogy datasets produced by the HyLogger to characterise ore-related hydrothermal alteration for a range of geological and metallurgical outcomes. David also has expertise in geoinformatics (GIS), geochemistry and structural geology.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2020) Alteration Indices at High Resolution, from Hyperspectral Scanning of Drill Holes in Western Tasmania, Australia
Green D(2014) The Nature of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) beneath Ocean Basins
Niu Y & Green D(2011) A New Methodology to Experimentally Determine Water Incorporation into Upper Mantle Olivine and Pyroxene
Kovacs I, Green D, Rosenthal A, Hermann J, O'Neill H, Hibberson W & Udvardi B(2011) On the Hygroscopic Behaviour of Marine Particles Enriched with Biogenic Nanogels
Fuentes-Lopez E, Coe H, Green D & McFiggans G(2010) Experimental Phase and Melting Relations of Metapelite in the Upper Mantle – Implications for the Petrogenesis of Intraplate Magmas
Spandler C, Yaxley G, Green DH & Scott D(2009) Melting and Melt-Peridotite Interactions in Heterogeneous Upper Mantle Sources of Primitive Volcanics
Yaxley G, Spandler C, Sobolev A, Rosenthal A & Green D(2008) Melting of Residual Eclogites with Variable Proportions of Quartz/Coesite
Rosenthal A, Yaxley GM, Green DH, Hermann J & Spandler CS(2008) Clarification of the Influence of Water on Mantle Wedge Melting
Green DH, Hibberson WO & O'Neill HS(2007) Phase and Melting Relations of a Residual Garnet Clinopyroxenite
Rosenthal A, Yaxley G, Green D, Hermann J & Spandler C(2007) The Influence of Minor Elements on Melting of Eclogite in the Mantle
Yaxley G, Spandler C, Green D, Rosenthal A & Brey G(2006) Solubility of Carbon and Hydrogen in Melts at High Pressures and Reduced Conditions
Tuff J, Taylor WR & Green DH(2006) Plagioclase lherzolite as matrix to reactive, porous flow of basaltic magmas
Chalot-Prat F, Nimis P, Green D & Falloon T(2006) Why does the Earth have lithosphere of around 90 km thickness in oceanic and many continental intraplate settings
Green D(2006) Trace element and isotopic (Sr and Nd) compositions of clinopyroxenes in dunite channels of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, Japan.
Yoshikawa M, Niida K, Eggins SM & Green DH(2006) Dunite channels in the Horoman peridotites, Japan: Textural and geochemical constraints on melt/fluid transport through the lithosphere.
Niida K, Green D, Yoshikawa M & Eggins S(2000) Phase Relations and Magmatism in the Mantle Wedge Above Subduction Zones
Green DH & Lus W(2000) Primary Magmas, Mantle Temperatures and Buoyancy Plumes
Green DH, Eggins S, Falloon T & Yaxley G