Details for: Brandi Revels
Brandi Revels (ETH Zürich)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2015 Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2017
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2019) Ni and d60Ni Controls by Colloidal Complexation and Secondary Oxide Precipitation: New Insights from the Amazon Basin
Revels B, Rickli J, Moura C & Vance D(2017) Phase Partitioning of Transition Metals and their Isotopes in the Particulate Load of the Amazon River
Revels B, Rickli J, Moura C & Vance D(2016) Distribution of the Dissolved Load of Transition Metals and their Isotopes in the Amaon River
Revels B, Rickli J, Moura C & Vance D(2015) Particulate Riverine Inputs of Metals and their Isotopes to the Oceans
Revels B, Rickli J & Vance D(2019) Ni and d60Ni Controls by Colloidal Complexation and Secondary Oxide Precipitation: New Insights from the Amazon Basin
Revels B, Rickli J, Moura C & Vance D(2017) Phase Partitioning of Transition Metals and their Isotopes in the Particulate Load of the Amazon River
Revels B, Rickli J, Moura C & Vance D(2016) Distribution of the Dissolved Load of Transition Metals and their Isotopes in the Amaon River
Revels B, Rickli J, Moura C & Vance D(2015) Particulate Riverine Inputs of Metals and their Isotopes to the Oceans
Revels B, Rickli J & Vance D