Details for: Bettina Storch
Bettina Storch (Friedrich-Alexander Universität, GeoZentrum Nordbayern)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2022) Magmatic Volatile Influx and Fluid Boiling in Submarine Caldera-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems, Niuatahi Volcano, Tonga Rear-Arc
Falkenberg JJ, Keith M, Haase KM, Sporer C, Bach W, Klemd R, Strauss H, Storch B, Peters C, Rubin K & Anderson MO(2021) Refining Material Transport in the Mantle Wedge of the Northernmost Tonga Island Arc
Storch B, Regelous M, Noebel K, Bauer J & Haase KM(2019) Using Hf Isotopes to Trace Mantle Dynamics in the Tonga Arc – Lau Backarc System
Storch B, Regelous M & Haase KM(2022) Magmatic Volatile Influx and Fluid Boiling in Submarine Caldera-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems, Niuatahi Volcano, Tonga Rear-Arc
Falkenberg JJ, Keith M, Haase KM, Sporer C, Bach W, Klemd R, Strauss H, Storch B, Peters C, Rubin K & Anderson MO(2021) Refining Material Transport in the Mantle Wedge of the Northernmost Tonga Island Arc
Storch B, Regelous M, Noebel K, Bauer J & Haase KM(2019) Using Hf Isotopes to Trace Mantle Dynamics in the Tonga Arc – Lau Backarc System
Storch B, Regelous M & Haase KM