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Details for: sylvie demouchy

Geologist & experimentalist, working on ductile deformation and diffusion processus in the upper mantle. It includes hydrogen distribution in the deep Earth, and high pressure techniques.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: sylvie.demouchy@umontpellier.fr. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2022) Olivine, Let’s Talk About the Elephant in the Mantle Room
Alard O, Veter M, Ananuer H, Demouchy S, Foley SF & O'Reilly SY

(2022) The Dry but "Wet" Mantle
Ananuer H, Alard O, Demouchy S & O'Reilly SY

(2021) Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis of Hydrogen Content in Diamonds
Bureau H, Khodja H, Estève I, Charrondière-Lewis M, Gaillou E, Boulliard J-C, Beneut K, Cartigny P & Demouchy S

(2020) The Wet but Dry Mantle
Halimulati A, Alard O, Demouchy S & O'Reilly SY

(2022) Olivine, Let’s Talk About the Elephant in the Mantle Room
Alard O, Veter M, Ananuer H, Demouchy S, Foley SF & O'Reilly SY

(2022) The Dry but "Wet" Mantle
Ananuer H, Alard O, Demouchy S & O'Reilly SY

(2021) Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis of Hydrogen Content in Diamonds
Bureau H, Khodja H, Estève I, Charrondière-Lewis M, Gaillou E, Boulliard J-C, Beneut K, Cartigny P & Demouchy S

(2020) The Wet but Dry Mantle
Halimulati A, Alard O, Demouchy S & O'Reilly SY

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