Details for: Gisela Leoz Munte
Gisela Leoz Munte (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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(2019) Micropetrology of Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Evidence of Incipient Melting in Presence of Fluid in HT/LP Metapelites
Leoz Munte G, Ferrero S, Reche Estrada J & Martínez F(2019) Micropetrology of Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Evidence of Incipient Melting in Presence of Fluid in HT/LP Metapelites
Leoz Munte G, Ferrero S, Reche Estrada J & Martínez F