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Details for: Ni Tao

Ni received her Bachelor of Engineering in oil and gas prospecting and Bachelor of Art in English from Northwest University (Xi’an, China) in 2001, and a Ph.D. on thermochronology and tectonics from Curtin University (Perth, Australia) in 2015. Ni joined Chang’an University in 2016 as a research fellow. Ni’s current interests focus on applying a range of thermo-/geo-chronological approaches, including (U-Th)/He, fission track, Ar/Ar and U/Pb, to both fundamental (e.g., regional to global tectonics, mountain-building, environmental/climate change) and applied (mineral and petroleum resources) research.
Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: t.taoni@hotmail.com. Otherwise, try an advanced search.


Goldschmidt2019: Mentee (Mentored by Roberta L. Rudnick)

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