Details for: Francisco Apen
Francisco Apen (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2018) Thermal Evolution of the Mozambique Belt in Northern Tanzania: Accessory Phase U-Pb Depth Profiling
Apen F, Rudnick R & Cottle J(2022) It’s Cold in Siberia: Low Crustal Heat Production in the Siberian Craton Constrained by Xenolith Petrochronology
Apen F, Rudnick R, Ionov D, Cottle J, Moyen J-F, Golovin A & Korsakov A(2019) Estimating Crustal Heat Production from the Petrochronology of Lower Crustal Xenoliths
Apen F, Rudnick R, Cottle J, Ionov D, Moyen J-F & Golovin A(2018) Thermal Evolution of the Mozambique Belt in Northern Tanzania: Accessory Phase U-Pb Depth Profiling
Apen F, Rudnick R & Cottle JMentorship
Goldschmidt2020: Mentee (Mentored by Steven Shirey)
Goldschmidt2019: Mentee (Mentored by Bastian Joachim)
Goldschmidt2018: Mentee (Mentored by Ilya Bindeman)