Details for: Anne-Sofie Ahm
Anne-Sofie Ahm (Princeton University)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2017 Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2021) Geochemical Fingerprints of Early Diagenesis in Pleistocene Shallow-Water Marine Carbonates
Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Murphy J, Maloof A & Higgins J(2020) Earth History Through the Lens of Carbonate Diagenesis
Ahm A-S & Higgins J(2019) A Geochemists Guide to Stratigraphic Variability in Shallow-Water Carbonate Sediments
Higgins J, Blattler C, Ahm A-S & Murphy J(2019) The Cryogenian Carbon Isotope Record of Death Valley, California
Nelson LL, Ahm A-SC, Macdonald FA, Higgins JA & Smith EF(2018) An Early Diagenetic Deglacial Origin for Basal Ediacaran ‘Cap Dolostones’
Ahm A-S, Maloof A, Bjerrum C, Bold U, Hoffman P, Rose C, Strauss J & Higgins J(2023) Primary Evidence for Redox Cycling in 2.8-Billion-Year-Old Microbialites
Ahm A-SC, Higgins JA & Fralick PW(2023) Secular Change, Early Diagenesis, or Both? A Case Study from Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Event 1a
Nadeau MD, Murphy JG, Hagen C, Wu Z, Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Stolper DA, Maloof AC & Higgins JA(2022) Photochemical Modelling of the Climate-Redox Evolution of the Great Oxidation Event: From a Snowball Earth to a Hot-Moist Greenhouse
Garduño Ruíz DI, Goldblatt C & Ahm A-S(2021) Geochemical Fingerprints of Early Diagenesis in Pleistocene Shallow-Water Marine Carbonates
Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Murphy J, Maloof A & Higgins J(2020) Earth History Through the Lens of Carbonate Diagenesis
Ahm A-S & Higgins J(2019) The Cryogenian Carbon Isotope Record of Death Valley, California
Nelson LL, Ahm A-SC, Macdonald FA, Higgins JA & Smith EF(2019) A Geochemists Guide to Stratigraphic Variability in Shallow-Water Carbonate Sediments
Higgins J, Blattler C, Ahm A-S & Murphy J(2018) An Early Diagenetic Deglacial Origin for Basal Ediacaran ‘Cap Dolostones’
Ahm A-S, Maloof A, Bjerrum C, Bold U, Hoffman P, Rose C, Strauss J & Higgins J(2015) Ca and Mg Isotope Stratigraphy of the Trezona C Isotope Excursion – Geochemical Record of the Descent into a Snowball?
Ahm A-S, Bjerrum C, Hoffman P, Macdonald F, Maloof A, Rose C & Higgins J(2014) The Link between the Rise of Land Plants, Cloud-Albedo, and Carbon Cycle Perturbation
Ahm A-SC & Bjerrum CJ(2013) Regional Deep Water Anoxic Conditions during the Hirnantian Extinction Event
Ahm A, Bjerrum C & Hammarlund ESession convener
Goldschmidt2018 - Session 07c: Seafloor Diagenesis, Hydrothermal Processes, and Biogeochemistry: Implications for the Earth System Through Time
Goldschmidt2018: Mentee (Mentored by Peter Girgius)